w00t! Catching up on emails and posts.
Rep council is over! The reps had fun in CA but they are all back to their own states. CEO meeting done. All in all the busy time should be done for a bit. No more 11-12 hour days at work.
Mid-Winter Feast - w00t! A million thanks to the lovely
broider_barones for her button making and wire weaving. The classes were amazing and everyone is still talking about them.
awrabella 's gillies class rocked as a lot of the new (and not so new) people were able to take the class and end up with functioning shoes. Muriel held a "Know your Royalty" class and talked a bit about heralding.
allergicone and
ldyanna concocted a delicious dinner!
Health - blah - going in for rummaging in my insides on the 2 of Feb. Wish me luck!
Projects/A&S - finishing a lot of sewing projects. Squeed at the prospect of entering lighting and cleaning entries for the kingdom A&S. Is there a limit to how many items you can enter in a single topic?
War College - OMG Squee! I hope it goes off smoothly and that everyone enjoys it. =D
Estrella - =| TBD after the whole rummaging in my insides thing..
Court of Love - Insert Big Tantalizing Announcement
HERE. You are all invited to help us celebrate the Lord of Grace and Honor, Godric of Castlemont, also known as
despair_bear . Join us for a full day of fun, feasting, and fighting. Everyone is invited and we have tons of crash space in the barony. Just let us know and we'll house and feed you.
In the works: Proceeding with our music/dance nights! Mermaidians (monthly tourney) are to start again with alternating rapier and heavy. More demos and recruiting. ... somehow I feel like the count on Sesame Street.. Ah-ah-ah!
Fighters: Yannic is ready to authorize, Walter and Derek are almost done with armour. Jay has his items coming in. Have to work on a few of the new guys... I can't wait for our war practices to become a regular occurance. =)