Application post.

Dec 11, 2010 16:03

Player Info
Your name/pseudonym: Anne / Lias.
Your personal LJ: lias9
Your email:
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/other (optional):AIM - liasanini, Gmail- Lias9lj

Character Info
Character's name: Dr. Simon Tam
Nickname(s): Gei-Gei, Doc.
Character's LJ: doconthelam (unless I can come up with something better. Open to suggestions.)medicinexile.
Canon: Firefly
Age: ~21
Marital Status: Single.
Where are you bringing your character from in their canon?: After Objects in Space, well before BDM
Short background on character history: Simon Tam was born on Osiris. During his youth, he was adored by these parents, who provided him with the best of everything. They did the same for River, and her genius provided her with the opportunity to study at a special government run facility. It all was quite satisfactory, until he discivered that all was not well. This created unprecedented tension in the Tam family; the final straw was when his father had to bail him out of jail, and Simon was disowned, ironically, because his attempts to save River were "destroying the family".

He managed to break his sister out of an Alliance Facility (and Simon's quite stingy with the details of this), and after running from them, ended up on Serenity, where on his first day, he nearly ended up arrested by the Alliance, and was forced to withold medical care until the crew ran. He also was punched twice, uncomfortably close to a brutish... ape-like man, nearly shot, and nearly shot into space. From then on, he somehow became accepted enough to serve as a medic to the crew of Serenity (and no, Simon isn't sure how or why that happened, either). Suffice it to say, Simon's life has consisted of cleaning his infirmary several times a day, tending to the crew, and often ending up in hopeless situations that, somehow, he gets out of at the last minute. He has learned some more - but not enough, about what happened to his sister, and his world is devoted to keeping up with her as her condition progresses. He isn't sure how that's going. Oh, and he got shot. By a psychotic bounty hunter (who licked Serenity) who tried - and failed - to take River.

Questionnaire PICK THREE.
1. Your character is eating pie, and someone they don't know comes along and swipes it. How do they react?
Before I answer, let me ask one question: Are you absolutely positive it wasn't Jayne taking my pie? That sounds like something he would do, and I'd insult his upbringing/manners/intelligence. He wouldn't understand most of my superciliousness, so I would then roll my eyes and snatch it back.
If it were a stranger, however, I suppose I'd be a bit more proper in my reaction. I'd address the thief in a superior tone, while keeping my vocabulary respectful. If they are like everyone else who isn't Jayne, they would aquiesce to my demands.

6. You have been invited to a costume party. Who do you dress up as?
That wouldn't happen, since I don't get invited anywhere, but hypothetically, a doctor. Specifically, Dr. Tam, of Serenity. Chances are, they will need one, if the crew is involved. I know it's a party, but their equivalent of a party usually consists of copious amounts of alcohol, hang overs, or explosions. I assure you, being myself will be far more useful than dressing up.

7. You are given the opportunity to cheat on a test to raise your grade - someone slips you the password to the answer document. What do you do?
Why would I need to raise my grade? Or cheat? Were there students at Medacad who cheated? I'm a bit insulted to know that people are cheating - I might be in the top 1% if they weren't. And who are these... imbeciles that can't do well on their own? The admistrators and instructors should know about this, and I think this would alter the rankings. Perhaps I will place an anonymous call to Father's lawyer...
Needless to say, the password to the test would immediately be turned in to the school authorities. I might also expect compensation for sub-par grading grading and disciplinary measures.

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