I had a dream last night, and it fit me like a glove.

Jun 22, 2004 13:30

So in this dream I had won like $500 in some lottery.  Well My cousin Kristy came to visit (whish she's actually going to do) and spent half of the money at the mall.  I was incredible pissed because in my dream $500 was like one million.  I kept saying over and over that I was going to kick her ass as soon as she got out of the shower, but as I said it I had a feeling of guilt sweep over me.  I thought "Maybe she spent it on gifts for other people, which wouldn't make it OK, but it would at least make it a little more forgivable." I never found out though because that dream cut into another one that involved me, helloassholes , and one_and_only_kt .  We were all working at my Eckerd, but we had to leave by 8pm so we could be in this weird ass play.  The manager let us go at like 7, so we all went to Holly's "house".  It really wasn't her house, it was some run down townhome that was being condemned in July.  But for dream purposes, it was Holly's house.  It was filled with rooms full of kitties, which made it ok.  We went into this basement area to get in our costumes, when this guy walks in the door and was like "I'm here to give you ladies a ride to the theater."  We all started running around, panicing because we didn't have our stage make up on or anything.  So then for no apparent reason at all, this guy starts making out with me, and I was like "Dude, back the fuck off, I'm trying to put on eyeliner.  Have you ever tried to put on make up with someone trying to eat your face?  No?  Then fuck off."  Holly and Katie yelled at me a bit because after that because he left and we didn't have a ride to the theater.  So we rode this flying cardboard box to this ghetto ass theater and got lost like 10 times going there because Katie kept getting her left and right confused.   THE END.

It's thunderstorming outside.  Oh yeah, I forgot the neatest part of the dream.  I could suck on my own nipples and did so every chance I got.
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