Chart #18

Apr 26, 2007 04:07

Got home okay. Mission lasted longer than we thought, I'll make my full report tomorrow morning, Hokage-sama.

Ne, Shizuya? Let me know when you're free to meet up.


Hey, sorry about how strong the pain meds I gave you were. I know you don't like them, but it was necessary after the operation. You know how painful jutsu-mended bones can get.

Didn't mean to give you a fright waking up back at the apartment all of a sudden; you were pretty out of it thanks to the meds and I figured you were better off at home. If I'm gone when you get this it's just cos I'm taking the dogs out real quick, back soon.

Oh, and don't move around or lift things or anything, okay? Doctor's orders.



I cannot believe how furious I am. And I'm not good at hiding it. Thing is, with Kakami hurt I can't just head off to the training fields and beat something until it dies down. Which I don't think it would anyway. I need to be around to help her... guess it's a good thing I've got a day off tomorrow at least.

More than anything I cannot believe Sachiko did that.


kakami, shizuya, sachiko, back from mission

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