plant a tree that eats other trees

Apr 20, 2007 08:45

damn autostart, stop that. k, fixeded. No, maybe not, eh, bugger all, i'll just cut it. Freedom of choice is love, innit?

Donation time...Renewed membership to WEVL this morning, I'm such a sucker for quality programming. Got an appointment to give blood tomorrow. I do love a good medieval bleeding, gets my humors all straightened out. Everyone's a universal donor now, y'know, so do it for the kids.

Good to see folks out at Milk n' Cookie McGoth night. I don't know why everyone thought i put something nefarious into the cookies. It was a little unsettling to see arsenic included on the wiki recipe, recently corrected, but i swear i left the rat poison out. What am i, Gomez Addams or Alice B Toklas? Buncha weirdos.

I do kinda wish i were Otis Spunkmeyer. I'd totally love my job.
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