Apr 15, 2008 19:21
Suze was not happy. Not to mention still in her pajamas. She frowned as Dr. Cox seemed to still be ranting to someone on the computer. She wondered if he'd ever be done. Her opinion so far was that he had the mental maturity of a three year old over the whole situation. He her opinion it could have been worse for both of them. He could have been tied to one of the insane, possible murderers of the community. He was in fact, lucky, to be tied to her.
Already she could feel a headache coming on. Her biggest problem was of course how she was going to explain her strange disappearance to her mother. When she went to wake her for school and she wasn't there...well thinks in the Ackerman household would not be pretty. She hoped her mother would freak out too much.
"Are you done yet?" she finally sighed.