I'm really late, but - thank you, these are gorgeous! If you've got the rest of the article, or other harder-to-find pictures of Mathieu, I'd be very grateful to you.
Thanks anyway! Are you a big fan of his? I'm always on the lookout for some--I like to get tips from people on where to find his older movies. It's quite hard to get obscure French films over here.
Actually I'm not a fan (haven't seen much of his work). I just happened to find the article and thought someone would be interested in the scans :) As for getting his older movies, I think you should try at Amazon.fr.
The only problem with Amazon.fr is that most DVDs are in Region 2, which means they probably won't work for me. I think they've got a couple compatible ones though - thanks for the idea!
Wow, you're doing a great job keeping me updated on, um, stuff I'm interested in but you're not! Thanks for the millionth time, you're absolutely amazing for indulging me. =)
As for getting his older movies, I think you should try at Amazon.fr.
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