(no subject)

May 16, 2007 22:30


Help me find a job? Please?

I. Why I need your help

So it seems that my decision has been made for me. I was going to look for other jobs, then possibly quit working for PG County Schools and take another job if/when one that was acceptable came along.

PG County just made the executive decision to switch ALL middle schools to 72 minute mods, 5 mods a day, teachers teach 4 of 5 mods. Students have 1 math, 1 language arts, 1 science, 1 social studies, and 1 creative arts per day. This means, among other things, that my school will need 4 fewer math teachers next year and 4 fewer language arts teachers.

Actually, ALL middle schools in PG county are going to need fewer math and language arts teachers. So if I wanted to keep being a teacher, I would probably have to scramble to find an elementary position ... pretty much right now. I'm elementary/middle certified/highly qualified but not high school. I suspect it's going to be a frenzied panic to pick up positions for a LOT of middle school math/english teachers...

Well, I'm 99.999% sure I don't want to be a teacher anymore anyway. So :P

II. What I can do

I'm defending my masters thesis in sociology June 19th. My skills include very good critical thinking, planning, customer service, creative, writing (creative, persuasive, research and technical) and research skills. I'm also very skilled with statistics, using SPSS, STATA, and Excel; with a little experience with SAS. I've got experience ALL over sociology; and I also have a BS in psychology.

My major skills are this: I have studied demographics, income inequality, education, social justice, culture, social theory, and social psychology for the past 10 years more or less. I can DO that stuff. Obviously some of it is more employer-lucritive, and some of it is pretty much useless in real life. I also have a teaching certificate and a year of experience teaching in a tough, title I (i.e. poor), urban (technically, yes) middle school.

III. What I will take

Pay, if it's an issue: I want more than 30K; I know I'm worth morethan 35K. I was making 42 as a first year teacher without the MA.

Work: I have little stomach for data entry, telemarketing, and food service. I can stomach sales and marketing, so long as it's not COLD sales. Warning: If I wind up in sales, I'll be grumpy and spending my nights and weekends looking for a better job, but I'll live. After all, that's what I'm going to be doing for the next month or three... I'm surprisingly tolerant of admin jobs, and I actually enjoy being someone's secretary. I'm REALLY good at it, too; though I'm a little overqualified for it, and it usually doesn't pay that much; but as a "for now" job it's pretty good. I'd really like to be doing research, possibly for a publication or for a think tank, but that's a hard job to find. In that I don't know how to find it. At this point, though... It just has to be better than babysitting 14 year old gangstas.

Location: I don't want to work in Northern VA unless the pay was so good it was worth commuting from Columbia. Montgomery County and Washington, DC are OK; Howard, PG, Anne Arundel (even Annapolis) and Baltimore are good. I live in Columbia, and I put my foot down at anything over 60 minutes of commute one-way (even that... ug. If some of it is on the metro, and the job pays enough, perhaps...).

IV. What does this mean?

Put all together, I can do a lot of different jobs. If you have an opening at your work; if you know a recruiter or headhunter; or if you know someone who knows someone, please please please put in a little word for me or pass me their email address and name or something.

V. Silver lining

I won't have to be a teacher anymore.

Worst case?

Worst case is I wind up working at Borders or something and going broke slowly. That would suck a lot. I don't want that.


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