Jan 27, 2004 22:35
OK, so i was walkin down da streetz one day with Jerry and it was crazy cold. We decides we best start runnin if we don't wants to die out dere, ya know? So we get to gettin, and all of a sudden an alligator comes outta nowheres, and we're all WHAT?! And he says he's lookin for a rock to eat so he can sink to the bottom of the ocean, you know like all alligators? So we points him towards the forest, but Jerry gets this crazy idea that he can get this alligator to be his pet. And he stalks im right? But what we don't know is... dat alligator is lookin for a mate! Now Jerry looks mighty fine (if i do say so mahself) and the alligator takes a likin to Jer. Long story short, Jerry was shot in the arm, and shortly thereafter decapitated. The alligator is now my lovely husband of 4 years, his name is Binx.
Oh and by the way, 10 years after that happened i be walkin down the sidewalk and i spots me a caterpillar. It grimaces and tells me Jer was a real jerk. Who'da thunk?!