So, the old wildy and free-trade came back today on RuneScape, and thus far...I hate it. You literally can't BREATHE without someone running up to you, especially in banks or at the GE, and whining about how they got hacked, or are so poor, or just came back to the game after selling everything when wildy/free-trade was removed, and need money. I seriously have taken to reporting the more obnoxious ones for disruptive behavior, because they're just so fucking PUSHY, to the point where they follow you around begging. As far as the GE is concerned, free-trade has pretty much destroyed it. You can't sell a damn thing without taking at LEAST a 25% price cut on the "GE recommended price", and even when you offer way more than what people are selling for, you never get what you ask for, because people who have offered less are getting the better bargains first.
On top of that, Jagex apparently decided that the Air and Earth Obelisks, which were about the only really GOOD Crafting xp in the game for higher-levels, weren't important enough to non-PKing players to get them OUT of the wilderness. SOOO...I hope anyone reading this who plays doesn't intend on ever going to make Earth or Air Battlestaves, because in the span of about 3 minutes, I watched about 16 people get blasted off the face of Gielinor by a pair of "lol"-ing assholes who don't know any other way to get their jollies. Why not go jerk off on each other, guys? I'm sure you'd both love it.
I certainly hope Jagex is prepared for a metric fuckton of flames from people who didn't want this shit in the first place. I know I'll be one of them, considering I'm barely making back what I spend to keep my kingdom running, and I now have 600+ useless uncharged orbs in my bank. Congratulations, Jagex; you've ruined what you finally fixed all that time ago.
IN OTHER NEWS, I've not gotten out of bed, or even gotten changed today. No, not because I'm lazy...But because it's taken me this freaking long to finish the new layout for
my LJ profile, which I went into without a clue as to what I wanted. I wound up doing all the coding and making all the images on the spur of the moment, but considering how little I had figured out to begin with, I'm REALLY pleased with it. The only thing I don't like is how looong the page is. Ah well, I'll fix it someday.
Not a heck of a lot else going on, as usual...So I suppose that's it for now!