Feb 08, 2010 19:47
I'll bet most of you know the feeling too: Wanting desperately to write something, but not having the ambition or the inspiration to do it.
Anyhow, I've been tampering with the idea of an "Assassin's Creed" fanfic, but I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I've been tossing a few ideas around in my head, mainly trying to determine if I want it to fall during Altair's time of 1192 (the end of the Third Crusade), during Ezio's time of 1499 (approaching the death of Rodrigo Borgia [AKA Pope Alexander VI] in 1503), or during Desmond's time of 2012. I'm leaning more towards Ezio, because the Renaissance was a very interesting, rich time period, full of many famous happenings and people that could be twisted into a fanfic really well. Dunno yet though, so we'll have to see what I come up with if I ever get around to it. Whichever I choose will entail a bit of research and a few crash courses on history, but...Coolies, I get to learn things.
On another topic, one of my cats injured me the other night. XD OK, not really, but you know. She was laying on a pillow on the foot of my mother's bed, and mom rolled over and pulled the blanket the pillow was on, and it - with the cat still on it - slid off to the floor. The poor cat was just standing there, with her one paw wrapped around the pillow, clinging for dear life! I pet her a couple of times, and she looked at me and trilled like she usually does when she gets pet, so I reached around to get the pillow off of her...And she bugged out. For some reason, she just...Flipped out, without warning. She dug two gashes on the front of my wrist, from my wrist about halfway to my elbow - one about five inches long and the other about two - and another rather wide one on the the back of my arm just above my elbow - somewhere around four inches long, straight around my arm horizontally.
It was...Religiously painful. I totally didn't realize the back of my arm was all ripped open, because there was blood all over my hand, dripping all over the floor and the 360 controller. That is...Until I lifted my elbow off my knee and saw my pajama bottoms had this great big puddle of blood on them. 8\ I took a few minutes in the bathroom dumping peroxide on my arm, and then took gauze and paper tape and patched my arm all up...Tristan was just standing there, asking me over and over what he could do, and I just kept taking care of it myself. XD I don't know if he was insulted or just kind of surprised that I could do it all by myself - bandaging with one hand and everything.
It was really interesting trying to get Ezio to jump where I wanted him to when I couldn't press the buttons quite right to get him running after that. I looked like a freaking mummy for a few hours, until everything finally stopped bleeding. Now the front of my arm is all black and blue and teal and purple. 8[ Sad panda.
And what have we learned from this experience, children? I need to eat get more iron in me, yes indeedy-do.
!interests: writing,
!life: minor injury,
!pets: cats