So the orthopedist says yes all that stuff the GP read off the MRI is true, but that's the knee pain you've been living with for years. The new pain is a severely strained calf. I think. Lets try treating it that way and see how it responds. We will deal with all the knee junk later when you can't stand it anymore
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Katherine Addison is aka Sarah Monette, who wrote the excellent "Melusine" series. Not as happy, but the same sort of brilliant characterization, world-building, and plotting.
I'm assuming you've read the "Rivers of London" books by Ben Aaronovitch; if not, those are top-notch, too. Urban fantasy/police procedurals, with a very funny and likeable protagonist.
T. Kingfisher (aka Ursula Vernon) has several short e-books out: "Toad Words And Other Stories" (new takes on fairy tales), "The Seventh Bride" (a novella-length fairy tale), and "Nine Goblins" (a lighthearted fantasy novella)... all of them kick butt. Ursula Vernon's webcomic "Digger" is one of the most amazing things I've ever read.
Jonathan L. Howard's "Johannes Cabal" series is highly amusing in a dry and mordant way.
P.F. Chisholm's "Robert Carey" mysteries are great- they're set in the Elizibethan-era Scottish Border (the first ones at least), and are full of entertaining hi-jinks. I like them for the characterization and period detail more than for the mysteries, but that's my general bent anyway.
Hope that helps...
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