Here I Am!

Apr 02, 2007 00:21

I thought I would give a quick update. I had another flair of my MS. I finished my IV steroids already. They were actually able to get a port into my vein so that I didn't have to get poked every day. To be honest, it wasn't that bad. It did hit me a lot harder this time and I lot quicker. I can say that I was officially blind out of my left eye. I went to see the MS specialist and they said that I had a 'central sarctoma'. Fancy way of saying that my central sight was gone but I could still see out of the corner of my eye. This is very true. And since my episodes are so frequent, they are thinking of putting me on a once a month steroid thing. I'm not too crazy about that, but as long as it stops affecting my vision, I'll be ok with it. They are also testing me for a rare form of MS that only affects the eyes. I don't think I have that form because I'm starting to feel other things, but I'll worry about all that when I get the test results back. My vision is really starting to come back now though, and it's making me very happy. I swear, I get so happy when I see little things come back into my vision. Oh well.

School is going very well right now. I'm actually enjoying my peds rotation. Next week I'm spending a day in the OR. I'm looking forward to it, even though I told the lady that I'm really interested in the ER. I'm looking forward to the experience. I have a lot of testing all this week. We have our silly standardized tests that are supposed to prepare us for our liscense exam. If we fail it, it's not the end of the world because we can re-take it as many times as we need to so we can pass. I'm not stressing over it. I also have a presentation due next week. That should be fun.

Ok, well I should be going to bed. But I'm having too much fun playing Bingo on Pogo. Have a good one all!
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