Mar 15, 2006 15:14
Well, things have been interesting. That's all I can really say. I had a psychic reading on Saturday night. She told me that my life is on the up and up. I was pretty excited about that. I asked if I was going to pass my next test at school. The one after my birthday, yeah...let's just say if you are going to do something do it well. I did very well at failing! That's ok though. I didn't study and I didn't read like I should have. So now I am on the border of failing this class. The teacher has confidence that I will pull through this though. For that matter, so do Ryan, my Momm and the psychic. She also told me that I will make good financial decisions (I laughed). She said that I will become financially secure very soon and that I will move after that. Then I will have 3 or 4 other large moves in my future. One of which will be to a hot, dry climate. The other is supposed to be possibly overseas! That excites me! Oh yeah, I'm supposed to have 5 pregnancies. I don't see that happening, but I do want children so anything is possible. But the one thing that I did take away from the psychic is that I need to be more confident in what I do and stop second guessing myself. That's a good lesson to learn. The Pampered Chef thing is going ok for now. I'm still looking for more parties! Anyone interested, just let me know! It will be a good time! I fell down the basement stairs the other day. I think it was about 7 or 8 total stairs. I did pretty good on that one. I scraped up my hand, both elbows and wrists, hurt my ankle, my back and of course my butt. My butt is now black. It's not purple like most bruises, it's black. You can see the entire stair on my butt, along with all the blood vessels that I broke. It's finally starting to itch which I know is a sign of healing, that's a good thing. I'm still pretty embarassed to be wearing white scrubs so that everyone can see my big honking bruise. So, we got a new girl at work. It happens to be one of my brother's good friends. Well, was a good friend to him. This individual got a little caught up in some illegal substances. Hey, they are young, they experiment. I understand that. But I was told that this individual has been stealing from their parents and such to support this habit. Well, a long time ago, back when this individual first applied, a sticky note was put on the resume that I knew the person. Ok, well Miss WorryWart Kenyon felt it necessary to share the secret that I was keeping for my brother with my employer. I didn't want my name associated with anything that may happen. So now my brother is royally pissed at me. He said that he now consideres himself an only child, oh yeah, and that I'm addicted to Demerol (because when I had a really bad migraine they gave it to me because I had already taken my migraine meds and they weren't helping. I didn't ask for them, they just brought them in. Oh yeah, and that was the first narcotic I think I've ever taken). He says that I'm a hypochrondiac (which I agreed with) but now I'm narc seeking again because I fell down the stairs and needed something for my back. I couldn't turn my neck, I needed something. And I only took one pill. I know I don't need to defend my side of the story, but I feel that I do need to provide an explanation. I guess I just don't want him mad at me forever and hope he will understand and forgive me sometime. It's pretty harsh to say that he's an only child now when he said when I told him that 'he doesn't care what she's doing, he doesn't talk to her anymore'. Oh well ,such is life I guess. Anyways, I should get off here and do some homework, any maybe check on the children I'm supposed to be watching. Adios all!