Apr 15, 2005 13:31
I really don't have much to update with to be quite honest. I feel great, quite possibly the best i've felt in a while. Brian and I are going to get married at some point and have an open relationship. The only thing that worries me about that is what would happen if iI fell in love with someone else and wanted to move off with them? I mean, Brian's never leaving my life, no matter what. I just worry about the logistics.
But I do know that I'm gonna keep him in my life, however possible.
As for other news, I've been a lot more outgoing and friendly lately and I really don't know why. I've just been joking and smiling a lot more. People seem to like my sense of humor and seem to like me. Maybe it something to do with my health improving. I'm down to 226 and for the first time my face actually looks thin. So who knows, maybe this is the start of a new chapter in the book of my life.
My aunt called my mom the other night. This is my favorite aunt by far. She's married to my dad's brother, so you can get the relation down pat. But she's always been really close to my mom when no one else on my dad's side of the family has. She is also one of the most fun and coolest people I know. She also isn't very fond of my father or how he treats/treated me.
So they were talking and apparently my dad got a hottub installed in our living room. Anyone who's actually been in my house knows that that room has been everything from my wrok space for school to an exercise room to a mini-kennel and now apparently my dad's girlfriend Shiela/Succubus talked him into putting a hot tub in there and red drapes. The room's carpeted. He also apparently sold the dining room set (including my favorite Gumby Chairs) and sent me my Bar Mitzvah stuff. My mom was disgusted. Needless to say, no one really likes Shiela. My mom and aunt can only think he likes her/is staying with her cause of the sex.
How could I NOT post this meme?
I leave you with an exchange my mom and I had this morning on the way to school.
*A commercial comes on the radio about a sale on "distressed cars". My mom makes some comments about wanting to start giving them therapy and we drive past the elementary school where there are, for some reason, horses grazing on the soccer field.
ME: Well, I know with furniture, they use [to distress it] chains and guns and ... *sees the horses* PONIES!
MOM: *looks at me and stares for a few seconds before we crack up laughing*