Feb 21, 2020 16:17

CHARACTER NAME Chidori Yoshino (western order)

This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.

1). Backtagging: Yes! I really actually like when people still want to continue tagging, even if it's been a while.
2). Threadhopping Yes
4). Fourthwalling: Ask first.
5). Canon puncture: Ask first.
6). Offensive subjects (elaborate): Ask!

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:

1). Hugging this character: Yes, but she won't necessarily like it. She probably won't hug back, but she may start grudgingly accepting them if your character really breaks down some walls.
2). Kissing this character: fff, do it if you want, just do not expect anything good to come of it.
3). Flirting with this character: YES YES YES. It most likely won't go anywhere, and she might not even pick up on it, but while it could annoy her it could possibly also amuse her. So.
4). Fighting with this character: As in physically? Ask first.
5). Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I'd prefer nothing permanent. Ask first for anything else.
6). Killing this character: Ask ask ask.
7). Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Ask!

all items marked with with an asterisk are not specified in canon and thus determined by the mun.
Age: 17 *
Birthday: November 13, 1992 *
Gender: Female
Height Let's say around 161 cm~, about 5'3". Just taller than Yukari. *
Weight: Probably thin-ish.
Hair: Red.
Eyes: Yellow-...ish. It's a weird kind of lightish red-brown-amber. Other pics have them as a darker brown, though, SO UH.

-Her classic-Lolita inspired white dress & accessories
-Sketchbook & art tools
since arriving: assortments of winter clothes from Jin & Yukari; suppressants from the item rain

LOCATION: Horton 407, alone.
CHIP STATUS: In, unhappy. Location unknown.

~: Neutral, perhaps with a little curiosity on the side. Doesn't like or dislike.
♣: Mixed feelings/complicated. This tends to mean Chidori doesn't know exactly how to feel about you and is a very confused loli indeed 8| Ranked out of 5.
♠: Dislike. You probably annoy her, although outright hatred is hard to earn. Ranked out of 5.
♦: She 'doesn't mind' you, or at least some part of her doesn't. It could be as simple as that she has a slightly good association with the character, although more of these means she might even like you a little. Amost always accompanied by a club, because liking people and forming attachments to them confuses her. Ranked out of 5.
♥: Love. Rare, but pretty steadfast when you get there. Ranked out of 5.
If there's a strikethrough, it means Chidori has known your character for a long time and those previous feelings have changed.

{ canon } →

Jin Shirato: ♦♦♦ ; ♣♣♣ [ STREGA ] ( broken? )
Her revelation RE: attachments has put her in an awkward place with him. He was like a brother for god knows how many years, but in a clinical sense. Chidori took inventory of what she had; there was no sentimentality there for him. They never infringed on each other, really. But know that she’s a little more open to this ~attachment~ business, it’s….hard to look at him and back on all they went through and all the ways he and Takaya took care of her and not feel a pang of something. When she first arrived here, and it was just him, it was almost…nice, seeing him without Takaya to fall back on. Now that that’s changed, he’s curt to her again, cold. No more of that checking up on her. She expects it, but…she doesn’t like thinking over it for long. It’s.. Unpleasant.

Takaya Sakaki: ♦♦♦ ; ♣♣ [ STREGA ] ( broken? )
She’s slightly less conflicted about Takaya than Jin, if only because she had the opportunity to see the latter a little more vulnerable than he’d normally like. Takaya’s arrival stirred strange things in her; she knew Jin would be at his side in a heartbeat, but there was a flicker of anger that disturbed her, because she had never felt that way towards Takaya before. She’s a little disillusioned, you could say, a little exasperated with his dramatics. And yet-and yet-she finds herself keeping an eye on him, and feels a flutter of concern whenever he goes and gets himself into trouble (which is…often). And she can’t blame him for his views on the scientists, or any of what he preaches, given their history. Strega’s reunion on Jan. 31st was the most confusing of it all, because it was him who invited her-and she’s a little baffled, quite frankly, that her supposed clean cut from Strega still has so many damn frayed ends. What does she want from him? She really doesn’t know.

Junpei Iori: ♥♥♥♥ [ SEES/EX-ENEMY/LOVE ] ( not in city)
How odd, that she would use the word “love” so freely and so without hesitation, and in such a short span of time. Junpei provoked that little sliver of warmth Chidori has underneath all her iciness, grasped it in his hand-and Chidori let him keep it. She doesn’t regret any of it. But she’s a little more grounded than she was in those hazy final moments-as much as she wants him by her side, she realizes it’s not safe for him here with Takaya and Jin around, and she doesn’t want him to suffer in such a ruined city when she did everything she could to guarantee his safety already. But really, she’s more torn about it than she lets on. She misses him.

Fuuka Yamagishi: ♣♣ [ SEES/EX-ENEMY ]
Chidori doesn’t have any real problems with the girl, but Fuuka confuses her a little bit. That Fuuka is so trusting, unsuspecting of her doesn’t make full sense in her head. She appreciates the other’s stance that a re-ignition of the conflict between SEES and Strega would be pointless-but Fuuka’s overall plea of “can’t we all get alongggg” strikes Chidori as unnecessarily naïve and a little grating. Also is totally jealous Fuuka has her Persona back, okay.

Yukari Takeba: ♣♣ ♦? [ SEES/EX-ENEMY ]
Chidori didn’t expect to feel even an inkling of pleasant feeling towards the girl. Yukari had the unfortunate role of explaining Chidori’s revival + subsequent memory loss to the girl, so Chidori pretty much associated Yukari with negative feelings from the start. Plus, she had that typical SEES naiveté. Chidori very much expected a “bitch, plz” attitude from her, but then….Yukari had to go include her in birthday plans for Fuuka. And get her an x-mas gift. And lend her her bow when Chidori needed it. All these gestures almost strike Chidori as infuriatingly nice, because she just doesn’t get why. But there’s a small part of her that’s grateful, if only because Takaya & Jin are conflict enough. And hey, that bow and outfit Yukari got her helped out, okay.

Shinjiro Aragaki: ♣ ~ [ SEES/EX-ENEMY ] (but only kind of )
In a way, Chidori sort of vaguely relates herself to Shinjiro’s position. Shinjiro seems just as disinterested in this SEES-Strega business as she does, and hovers in that gray area where he has an attachment to a group but isn’t fully attached himself. She probably would have just stayed neutral towards him, but then he went and helped clean out her wound and there was that awkward moment that always happens between SEES and Strega members, these days. So she feels a little weird about him, now, too.

{ related canon } →

Chie Satonaka: ♣ ♦ [ PERSONA USER/“FRIEND”? ] (former unknown)
Chie was there when Chidori first arrived and needed help orienting herself. And then she wouldn’t leave Chidori alone. Replying to each of her broadcasts over the comm., stepping in whenever Chidori required assistance mentally or emotionally: and then she had to go and use the f-word. Friend. Chidori doesn’t understand how Chie can care about her without really knowing her, but while this confuses her, she also doesn’t dislike Chie either. She’s…not all bad to talk to, really.

Yosuke Hanamura: ~ [ PERSONA USER ] (former unknown)
Yosuke seems like a pretty normal boy, to Chidori, although her perceptions may be skewed having grown up with Takaya & Jin. Although he knows about her, it does not go both ways, and so for now he is merely just someone she occasionally talks to over the network.

Souji Seta: ~ [ PERSONA USER ] (former unknown)
Souji is another friendly, polite boy who she’s talked to on more than one occasion. He’s gotten pretty concerned over her less….‘happy’ posts even though he doesn’t know her well, which Chidori thinks it's pretty weird. She knows he and Yosuke room together, but has no idea that he’s a Persona user-even if he knows about her.

{ discedo } →

Souma Hatsuharu: ♣ ♦♦ [ FRIEND? ]
She originally didn’t think well of Hatsu, and pretty much found him annoying due to his kind of…facetious comments. But somehow the weirdo grew on her, and she even began humoring him a little bit until the point where they semi-regularly respond to each other’s posts over the network. Hatsu even made her a bracelet for x-mas and calmed her down a little during the EMO!BERRIES incident, so…. She secretly doesn’t mind him so much any more, even as she deadpans her reactions to the strange things he spouts off. She even wears that bracelet, sometimes.

Ichimura Tetsunosuke: ♠ [ SOURCE OF FRUSTRATION ]
This kid yells all the time, and it drives Chidori up the wall. To the point where she’s told him to be quiet. Multiple times. Tetsu just yells back at her, so these two pretty much just. Don’t get along.

Ryou Bakura: ~ [ A CURIOISTY/ OPPOSITES? ]
They haven’t spoken much, but the couple times they have Bakura’s come off to
her as pretty optimistic and an overall cheerful kind of guy. She’s a little curious about him, and doesn’t have any reason to dislike him.

Patchouli Knowledge: ~ [ GUIDE ]
Patchouli was one of the first people who helped situate Chidori in Discedo, and since then she’s popped in every now and then to inform/explain/theorize about certain happenings of the city. Chidori’s a little curious about her, but they haven’t talked too much otherwise.

Sorata Arisugawa: ♣ ♦ [ FRIEND OF JUNPEI’S ]
She originally contacted him after hearing that he knew Junpei when the latter had been in Discedo. That he was at least friendly with Junpei kind of gives him a slight advantage regarding Chidori’s opinion of him, although it’s not an automatic kind of immediate liking. He even reminds Chidori of Junpei a little, what with his overall friendliness, especially with girls. They’ve only spoken once, but she has a slightly good association with him due to the information she got, and that he’s in a similar position as she is (dying back home, basically). And hey, even though he’s one of those strange uber-friendly people…it’s not really annoying, from him. So she doesn’t mind.

If you would like your character to be on the list, or even want to plot with her, just let me know! I'm very open to suggestions ♥

permissions, relationships, info, ooc

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