There'll be days when things go wrong,I'll be there to make you strong...gonna make you happy!!

May 31, 2004 20:58

*floats on my wonderful bubble of excitement* This weekend turned out wonderful! I dont think my weekend could have been any better, ecept to have run that asshole Jon over or something... hehe. Im not sure how I want to put all of this together so I'll just give it my best shot.

Friday I went to my cousins all day. It was soooo much fun all day! We went to the beach in Naples, we hung around the pool and listened to stories about my parents. I talked to my cousin Vinny for a long time about stupid shit. HE is such an awesome kid. Then I layed on their couch in my Vatic's jacket and started to fall asleep. Except for my parents "Your future looks grim" talk... I figure the day to be a B-.

Saturday This whole day was just one big awesome day. I got up late at like 12:30 and stormed around my house getting ready. I told the 'rents that I was goin with Meg... and we had great time didnt we? hehe *wink* So I went to see "Alex/Vatic" in Davie and we hung out with the people he is taking care of. Well we hung out with Chrissie. She is super awesome... and she is making sure Alex doesnt start his drug shit up again, but I trust that he isnt.Its just nice to have some one making sure. Saturday night was awesome also, Hema took second cut and let me leave early. I went to David and Danny's to hang out with Artimus, Victor, David, Danny, Michelle, Andy and Nick. THen we got alcohol and went over to Andy and Haley's Mom's house... and random people started showing up. It was interesting indeed. Michelle and I had an experience I cant forget on the way home. How many people are lucky enough to get pulled over by the cops, but not really get pulled over while listening to RENT? I love my luck sometimes. Tisa and I spent a good portion of the mid-morning on the fone trying to calm me down... in the end, I didnt drink milk hehe. THanx again Tee.

Sunday Was super cool. Hema and Matt came over early in the day and played pictionary with me and my sister. Alex finally showed up, we introduced him to my family... and they actually liked him... I couldnt believe it. I was sooooo excited. Him and I went to Corporate Park and got friendly... yes very friendly hehe. Then I brought him back to Val and Chrissie's where Chrissie informed me that if Gelo screws up him and me going back out, tha he has to sleep in the Malibu Barbie house... I love Chrissie. I came home and stayed on the fone with my Stef and got caught up with her.... I love you Stef.

Best weekend ever except I didnt get to run over Jon. Oh well, theres always a next time. Hehe. I am so in love with him. I am so happy that everything worked out. He said the sweetest thing ever on the ride back to his house. I said "Do you love me?" And he says "Of course I do, till the day I die... well no, not till he day I die, I want to keep loving you after I die. So I love you for all eternity." I couldnt stop smiling and I said "Gelo, I love you." I do love him.
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