Long time no see!
I´m sorry if I haven´t been around for your important news. I´m just picking up where I left off, and I´m going crazy trying to catch all the wincest and wee!chesters I´ve missed. If you want to leave me a few links, I won´t complain.
I like to think I´m pretty familiar with the way things work by now (I wouldn´t say I´ve seen it all, not by far, but I´ve seen enough to have some sense in me) but there are moments when the world still manages to amaze me. Bad amazed, in
this case.
It´s so very, very medieval that I simply can´t believe that the government has let it go on, that people can actually enjoy seeing a cow die slowly and painfully, that China´s education level is so low that they still think that pieces of tiger can solve any problems at all. It´s like Japan killing wales and sharks (and I really expected better of them). How is it possible that these people have so little social concience?
I´m from South America, mind you, a place most people consider a part of the third world, but I´ll have you know that something like this would never, ever happen here. So, if China is getting such a big economical drive, what´s going on?
Thi reminds me of the Roman circus, about the killing and the worthlessnes of all kinds of life there was in that time, about the lack of compassion in humanity at large. I am not a vegetarian, I ´ve witnessed animal death because I lived in the country when I was little, for a series of reasons I think that consumption of meat is overall a possitive thing. But not like this. Never like this.
The searching for entertainment that gives you a bit of a rush is really getting out of control. Some people have lived such a sheltered lives that they can´t seem to understand that animals are dangerous, that actions have concecuences. This is just as stupid as people getting into cages and feeding great white sharks just so they can see them up close. Now the sharks are following the boats up to the beaches because humans= food. People that keep buying attack dogs (pit bulls, dobermans, Napolitan Mastiffs and other such) as pets and then never even bother to educate them. Attack dogs were breed for attacking, therefore they tend to attack. Not such a hard to grasp concept, I think. Having one is a big risk, not recommended for anyone but hardcore dog owners, but to have one and not train it? You are pretty much setting yourself up to children chomping or something just as bad.
So, stupid people. There should be a test you need to pass before being allowed to breed.
*sighs* Well, then. let´s get into happier news.
I want to have grandpuppies!! *beams*. Just the though gives me warm fuzzies. Dean!love and Sammy give me warm fuzzies to, but that is rather OT. I felt the need to say it anyway.
I have Photoshop again! Yey! The CS version, mind you. I´m trying to manip a delicious Sirius Black just to practise, and then I´m off to manip a Sam´n´Dean Titanic manip. Just in case you were wondering, no, I didn´t come up with that one,
jewels667 did , but I think it´s a smashing idea.
So, does anyone have or can get me a big Titanic screencap? Preferably one of
these, but something like
this or similar can work too. I sort of need one that´s about 700 pixels and I can´t find any.