I Need a Guyball Icon

Feb 03, 2008 13:00

It recently came to my attention that I have a month and a half to write a 20,000 word Doctor Who fic (because I signed up and then forgot about it). But it’s all good, because I came up with a plot yesterday. Unfortunately I feel kind of stink because to avoid canon issues, I’ve set it in The Year That Never Was, which means, because none of the characters are Martha, any attempt to save the planet is doomed to failure. And I know that you can write something with an unhappy ending, but it does feel kind of wrong, and you can’t even get the satisfaction of some character growth, because they’re not going to remember any of it. It is rather unsatisfactory

Seriously, how freaking wonderful it the trailer? Hopefully season four is going to be epic because the anticipation is killing me. Though what was with Donna waiting for the Doctor? You promised us no Donna/Ten romance, RTD. And while I am something of a Doctor/Donna shipper, I think I’d only like it if it doesn’t get written into the show, which is entirely because RTD can’t seem to write a Doctor/Companion romance that feels right. Ten/Rose was a mess of self-destructive co-dependence and Ten/Martha was just want to tear your eyeballs out awful because of the way he treated her.

Meanwhile, I’ve been watching a lot of Green Wing lately, and seem to be developing a crush on Stephen Mangan. And I love that show so. much. It's actually rather impossible to explain just what I love about it, because it just is brilliant. Why did it have to end? I want a third series.

television, new who, writing

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