My name is Meddow and it has been two days since I last read any Heroes spoilers. I’m trying to kick the habit. I may be too late to avoid being spoiled to hell, but I have given it up.
Meanwhile, I discovered Adrian Pasdar’s
Youtube channel, which is mostly videos of the Heroes cast goofing around mixed with Pasdar’s warped sense of humour. It’s made of win.
And, as it turns out, my Father is getting for Xmas from my Mother a foot tall radio-controlled Dalek Sec toy. It’s really quite neat, the voice sounds just like the Daleks on TV. This probably means that Xmas at my house is going to contain the epic showdown of Dalek vs. Cat. On the one hand, the cat could easily take out a Dalek that size since the cat his huge. But on the other hand, the cat is very nervy so is more likely to run away than fight back. It’s a tough call. Plus, I am jealous. I have no idea what I would do with a remote controlled Dalek, but I still want one.
And finally, I think I have my writing mojo back. Though I really shouldn’t say that in case I jinx it.