My flatmate has never seen The Goonies! Obviously my goal in life from this point on is to rectify this sad situation.
Anyway, I’ve signed up for
tardis_bigbang which is a write whatever you want kind of ficathon, so long as it’s about 20 000 words, which should be interesting. Though my fic idea has been floating around my head for a couple of months now so I managed to get it all plotted out this morning. And when I get going, I can write 10 000 words in a weekend, I think. So hopefully it'll work out.
sarahjane_fic’s running a challenge at the moment of fics less than 1000 words in celebration of The Sarah Jane Adventures and I wrote something:
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
meddowRating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 999
Characters: Kelsey, the Fourth Doctor
Summary: Despite her best efforts, Kelsey encounters another alien.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place)