Gah! Gah! How does The Thick of It keep on getting even more brilliant? And when did Glenn of all people get so awesome?
Because his little moment of pointing out via yelling that they've driven a man to suicide was just bloody amazing and so very incredibly needed.
So the massive plot twist. On the one hand, that plot twist was slightly predictable but sufficiently massive and bad enough to have a season turn on it, on the other hand, I'm quite surprised that the writers had the characters get metaphorical blood on their hands in such a manner. Driving a man to suicide is not something easy for an audience to laugh a jokes about and just reaches a new level in cynicism for the show. But then, Malcolm helped mislead the UN once to start a war in which inevitably thousands of people died. I suppose its because suicide is just that little bit more taboo than starting a war.
And also, I thought the show handled it well. Some of the characters were making jokes, but it just served as a reminder of how horrible these people can be (and how not horrible some of the other are, Glenn in particular) and that they're so isolated in the insular world of party politics that they've basically lost the ability to see other humans outside of their world as actual human beings or have any compassion for them at all - have I mentioned how brilliant this show is?
And also in shock revelations: Teri can be rather good a her job when she wants to be. That little fanwank the fandom had to explain Teri's decrease in competence between the start of the series and series three - that she's just bored and over it and actually could be good at things if she just tried - seems to be about right.
Oh, Phil. Never describe yourself as Hand of the King. As any ASOAIF fan could tell you, that position's more doomed than being the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. And then the second reference, was he comparing himself to Robb, Joffrey or Theon - cos, really comparing oneseslf to any of their decision making skills is not a good one to make. Basically, Phil should stick to Lord of the Rings comparisons.
Speaking of Phil, Phil seems to be slotting into Ollie's vacant position as the overeager young amoral thing to Glenn's weary moral old guy.
Peter Mannion at Stewart's retreat was just gold. Every single moment of it.
Also, love follow up on Stewart's losing the favour of the PM with Emma seems to be gaining favour and Stewart having his little break down at becoming the story - somewhere Malcolm is making that photo his desktop background and starting a tumblr meme with it. Also: the Jeff Holhurst has a tiny head gag, even the other parties thinks so.
Can the female Minister that was at Stewart's retreat please show up again. She was hilarious.
Finally, the writers really don't like the Lib Dems do they? Because Fergus is one of the least sympathetic characters of the bunch.
Anyway. Thick of It, I love you and your ability be both the best comedy and the best drama on telly at the same time.