The Misfits finale was, in a word, bleak.
I had no idea any more members of the cast were leaving, so Alisha's death and Simon's decision to head back in time to his death, came as a shock. As much as I groaned and moaned about Simon/Alisha and how it was not a storyline I enjoyed, I did like the resolution, that there was no get out clauses. They'll fall in love, she'll die, he'll head back in time, he'll die, they'll fall in love again and again and again on some never-ending loop. It's a sad way to leave the characters, but it's a quite elegant and melancholy way to end the love story.
However, the rest of the episode was a bit of a mess. It felt rushed, virtue girl's sudden realisation that revenge was the answer was a bit random, and the big resolution to the Simon/Alisha storyline felt tacked on.
I'm for there being no new cast members next season. I'm quite happy following Kelly, Curtis and Rudy. Kelly and Curtis were my favourites anyway, and I've quite warmed to Rudy. Besides, there's two of him.
One thing I really loved was the return of Jessica Brown-Findlay (more commonly known as Lady Sylvia from Downton Abbey) as the virtue girl, aka the big bad from the season one finale. I watched the second episode of Black Mirror last night, and she stared in that as well and was really wonderful. She's fast becoming one of my favourite actresses. Can she please be cast in everything from now on?
(Black Mirror is such a great watch, btw. If you haven't been watching it, it's a bit like The Twilight Zone, but the focus is on modern technology and potential nightmarish scenarios that arise from it).
I've also caught up with the past two episodes of Sanctuary, which I've loved. The seasons had a few issues, starting out on Tempus which is a high point for the show, but I think the whole Government-vs-Abnormals-with-the-Sanctuary-in-the-middle plotline has just been a bit dull, really. Seeing Magnus with her new-found sense of zen-ness basically tell the world's governments to essentially go screw themselves, was great, but it's all been a little dry ever since.
But yes, the show's gotten it's mojo back and The Depths was basically the best Doctor-Companion break up episode ever. Except of course, it's not Doctor Who and they didn't end up breaking up. But still, the Magnus-Will relationships always verged on gender-swapped Doctor-Companion and if we ever got an episode in which the Companion basically raised all the points Will did about her in that episode and then demanded to be taken home and end their stint in the TARDIS, I'd find it a very wonderful episode of Who.
Also, I'm loving the return of dark!Magnus from Acolyte. The post vacation zen was always going to wear off, and Helen Magnus has become scarier and more dangerous than any of the monsters that she protects. Hell, the monsters are scared of her. I don't know where it's going, but I'm loving the wonderfully dark and morally ambiguous places the writers are taking their lead character.
Anyway, I'm wondering what her secret it. I'm betting it's Ashley.