I'm 320 pages into A Dance with Dragons (about a third of the way in) and am in need of a grumble.
Thus far my thought process while reading the book has been thus: I miss Brienne...I miss Jaime....I miss Sansa....I miss Catelyn/UnCat/Stoneheart...Yay Bran!....Yep, GRRM, what we really needed was another POV...I miss CoK!Tyrion...OMG not another Targaryen....Damn, it's been ages since there was a Bran chapter...NEEDS MORE STARKS! ...(and no, Jon does not count)...And another new POV...Is it bad that I really hope this new Targaryen gets greyscale and dies?...Oh, and yet another new POV *sigh*
Currently my opinion is that the only interesting Targaryens are the batshit crazy Targaryens. I am likely to change this opinion if every character stopped with the 'the Targaryens will save us!' attitude. Come on, every second one's crazy and not harmless tissue box crazy, but 'burn them all!' crazy, the fact that they're apparently a superior race that were born to rule over Westeros just cos they've got dragons makes me somehow both deeply uncomfortable and bored at the same time, and I'm not sold on Dany being that great a Queen. Sure she's better than Joffrey and Cersei, but who isn't?
Now, if this is just some elaborate red herring and the plot is going to twist and Dany doesn't end up on the iron throne (and neither does Jon, for that matter), I will be able to appreciate this book, but right now I'm just very 'meh' about everything.
And I'm sure I'll be more positive towards the books once Bran shows up again.
(If you comment, please don't spoil me)