Clash of Kings (and True Blood)

Jun 23, 2011 15:19

I'm a hundred and fifty or so pages into A Clash of Kings and I have to say, reading books after spending a season with the characters as played by actors, all the characters that aren't new sound like their actors that play them in my head and it is fantastic.

I discussed this with my flatmate, and she didn't quite get it, so I don't think it's the same for everyone, but for me, every other book I read, every character sounds in my head like my own internal monologue. If a character for example had a deep male baritone voice and a Jamaican accent, they'd sound like my own internal monologue voice doing an impersonation of a deep male baritone with a Jamaican accent, and to be honest it's kind of boring and I get sick of hearing my own 'voice'.

But Tyrion sounds like Peter Dinkladge and has that wonderfully weird accent he's doing, Catelyn has Michelle Fairley's lovely Irish accent and being associated with Ian Glenn not only makes Jorah more interesting in the television show, but its transferring to the books to. And all the other characters sound like their actors and it's brilliant.

And I need to get this off my chest: Jon Snow is so, so dull. I've heard that nearly everyone who reads ASOIAF has certain points of view they slog through. Mine's Jon. I adore Sam and incredibly quotable Lord Mormont, but I could really do without Jon's constant angsting, and the wall plot's just really not that interesting. Sure there's zombies, but south of the wall there's warfare and politicking which I'm far or enthralled in. Probably doesn't help that he's probably got the least amount of novelty of all the POVs, in that my encounters with fantasy genre usually have a protagonist/hero who is a young man with awesome fighting skills that everybody seems to love and I find as dull as dishwater. He does get better, right?

Last thought on Game of Thrones for the day: Can we please have more Cat and Jaime scenes in the television show in the future? I've decided they're they second coming of Laura Roslin and Gaius Baltar (who's antagonistic relationship was the highlight of BSG for me). There are quite a few parallels, and it'd totally make my year never year if the second season has a lot of them interacting.

Also, True Blood starts again in a few days! Yay! It is surely the best trashy guilty pleasure show around at the moment and with time I seem to have forgive it for what a complete mess the end of season three was.

asoiaf, game of thrones, true blood

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