Feb 14, 2006 20:18
I read an article in the paper today (I would link to it, but I can’t find it anywhere on the net). Long term, get-married-and-live-happily-ever-after love was created by 18th century desperate housewives wanting something more than being baby machines and subsequently popularised by writers such as Jane Austen. Damn you Jane Austen! Not only am I seaching for my own Mr Darcy (who doesn't seem to exist in real life) but now the goal of the search turns out to be an illusion.
You know, there should be a separate holiday for cynical single girls, when we get flowers, chocolate and diamonds for making the world a more snarky place.
Saw Brokeback Mountain on Sunday, shockingly with my mother (who is rather squeamish around the idea of gay sex but as it turns out is more open minded than I gave her credit for). I thought the first half was very good, but it suffered from too many ending syndrome.