BSG, Universe and a Watchmen Review

Mar 22, 2009 20:13

I'm trying desperately to ignore the fact that BSG has ended. If I don’t think about it, I won't be tempted to find out how it ends and spoil myself. Although I may have accidentally spoiled myself for one small but crucial detail. In terms of my own watching, I've just finished Maelstrom in season three, so I'm getting there.

A trailer has been released for Stargate: Universe, which is looking less like fandom's original fears of Stargate: 90210 and more like Stargate: BSG. Thing is, I’m not sure if I want Stargate to turn into BSG. I like the Stargate as it was back in the SG1 days, filled with team-y goodness, techonobable and humour, not as a BSG knock-off. So yes, juries still out on whether I'll watch

Also, I saw Watchmen.

It's the first time that I've found the opening credits to be the best bit of the movie - which is not meant as a snide remark because it had the best opening credits of any movie I've ever seen - it’s a recreation of over 40 years of iconic moments in American history which give a perfect background to the movie. The movie itself was not bad, but the problem I had with it was that I felt I had seen the movie before, and it's the panel for panel remake is what was to blame. Not only did I know exactly what was going to happen, but I knew exactly what the characters and hell, I knew how the shot would be composed when they said it. The only change was one bit of the ending, and I was spoiled for that bit anyway.

I came out wondering what was the point? The story wasn't updates to give it contemporary relevance (and the fear of nuclear holocaust did feel dated), the director hadn't added anything, having the actors in the roles made it worse for me because I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan and his presence made me like the Comedian and I didn't want to like the Comedian. I suppose it still acted as a great critique of the superheroes, that topped even The Dark Knight.

I went to see it with two members of my family who claim to have never even heard of the graphic novel before the movie came out (which is a lie because I discussed it with them years ago - they were apparently not listening when I was raving on about it). They told me the point was that it expanded it to a wide audience, but 'wider audience' for me means people trying to say how the Comedian (murderer and rapist), Rorschach (ultra-right wing nut job misogynist homophobe) and Ozymandias (can't go there - spoilers) are misunderstood woobies. *facepalm*

Anyway, the people who I saw it with thought it was brilliant and proceeded to give me a big lecture about being a snob after I came out of the movie criticising it, so consider me thoroughly told off.

battlestar galactica, stargate, movies

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