Since I said I would give it another chance at the end of last season, I’m still watching Heroes. And surprisingly enough, it seems to have gotten itself back together for the most part. It's still got lots and lots of flaws (boring and seemingly pointless side-plots, the dialogue clunkers, reusing old plots etc), but for the most part it's done away with the major flaws of Villains. Mainly, the characters seem to be acting in character and its more character driven than batshit plot driven. Oh, and they're working together a lot more, which I like.
Anyway, it's my sad television addiction and if it keeps on going way at the current level of quality (kind of good most of the time), I shall probably keep on watching it to the bitter end. (If it takes another Villains turn, I'll quit. Really. No really). It's just terrible that I feel have to justify watching the show to both myself and the world in general these days because it's not that bad anymore.
Daphne lives! She was my favourite character through the villains arc and her 'death' was lame so glad to see she's still alive. Particularly since if they'd actually killed her off it would be another example of this show randomly killing off female characters to act as a motivation a male character for two episodes, then to be forgotten about.
Then again, seems she's the damsel in distress in need of rescuing *eyeroll* what with her continued living being used as the incentive for Mohinder to behave and seemingly incapable of rescuing herself what with the bullet wounds and being heavily sedated. One step forward, one step back.
I'm trying to decide whether the writing of the female characters in general is getting better or worse. Claire's become a resistance agent, but is only in the position to do that because both her fathers are protecting her. Tracey's been captured and is pissed as hell to the point of being murderous and undermining her argument to let her go. Daphne captured and is out of commission, but then nearly saved the day before she was shot. Angela's apparently only free because Nathan's protecting her, but then she's working secretly with Noah to bring the operation down. Meanwhile Sandra's finally kicked Noah out of the house (go Sandra!)
I'm waiting for Bryan Fuller to come back. He'll fix it. And I've read he's taken over the writing of Tracey.
I'm a big fan of episodes with a small amount of people stuck in a room. Not just for Heroes, but for every show. So I was kind of always going to like the episode just a bit.
Still, this episode was a wasted opportunity. The highlights of seasons one and two were the HRG-centric episode. This one wasn't a highlight. It was just sort of there. We didn't learn anything new about Bennet in the end. The audience didn't even need the interrogation, there could have just been the last scene with Angela and Noah taking on the part bench and the message would have gotten across.
Both Mohinder and Peter have grown in my affections a lot this week. I've been liking Peter more and more every since he lost his powers and consequently grew a brain (shame they didn't do the same with Hiro). But the fact that I kind of like Mohinder after the godawful Mo!roach storyline shows they've kind of got his character back on track.
Yay for Matt being kind of smart with his powers. This appears to be another continuing theme with this season. Although, I'm getting really sick of the prophetic paintings. Why? Why do we need them? So far they've failed to prevent Matt and Claire being captured and Daphne being shot (which makes Matt look stupid) and led Hiro and Ando onto last weeks pointless plot. They're pretty, but they're no longer good for the show.
Anyway, not bad and episode. Actually quite good. Could have been a lot more though, so loses points for being disappointing.
Not it's time to repeat the mantra: Bryan Fuller will save the show. Bryan Fuller will save the show.
(Of course, the big question is, if Bryan Fuller can save the show from its quality problems, can he bring back enough viewers to save it from cancellation? I will be sad if it gets cancelled.)