One of Us, One of Them

Oct 01, 2008 15:12

This season shouldn't be called 'Villains'. It should be called 'Crack.'

"With fire?" Lyle! He got three whole lines. And I'd like to know how exactly Meredeth's going to protect the Bennets without burning the place down as well. I really hope Lyle grows up to write and autobiography and makes millions off the Bennet family's very special kind of dysfunction.

Speaking of Bennet dysfunction, I think Noah came up with the whole bring in Meredeth plan without consulting Sandra. There's quite a bit of hostility going on there. I really hope we get a scene in the future where she calls him on it.

But yay for Sandra getting her own conflict. The Bennet storylines have always focused on Claire and Noah and it nice to see Sandra getting a look in.

Claire's going about learning to fight all wrong. She should learn to kickbox or shoot or something. How to not asphyxiate is useful, but other than that, what's flamemom going to teach her?

Why have they scrapped Micah? Bringing him back on for an episode just reminded me how much I adore that kid. Surely they can keep him on the show without his mother. The kid's a technopath - that's got to be useful to the Company. And for that matter, Monica would make a perfect agent. She wants to help people and has a family to support.

I liked Tracey a more this week now that the show has decided to explore what's beneath the icy exterior. Although, ice queen with freeze powers isn't exactly original.

Peter was quite alright this episode. Yes, both he and Future!Peter abandoned his beloved niece's father to be ripped to shreds by bad guys - not exactly a brilliant move if one of their goals is to stop Claire from turning to the dark side - but Sylar saved Noah's arse so I can let it pass.

So Parkman can now see the future? That's it. I give up trying to come up with any logical explanation for the powers. They're magic. A wizard did it. It's a result of the Time War.

Hiro and Ando's plotline seems to be swinging between amusing and annoying, often in the space of a minute. Ando need to ditch Hiro and partner up with a hero that gives him a bit more respect. And I'm pretty sure it's future!Hiro and not future!Ando who is the evil one.

The cinema made for a great setting though, and the Haitian is back! And with a nice bit of FYG continuity.

Angela is playing one hell of a dangerous game. She's decided to manipulate the two most intelligent and amoral characters on the show. Although, she's doing it the right way, since emphasising the family connection would be the way to contain them both. Killing one mother is unfortunate, killing two is just careless. However, I still think she's lying about being Sylar's mother.

I was trying to work out what relation Angela and Bennet have. Adopted-daughter's-biological-grandmother and granddaughter's-adoptive-father is a bit of a mouthful. So I'm going with mother-in-law and son-in-law, since they seem to be stuck with each other through adoption (and interestingly, makes Sylar and Bennet brothers-in-law)

I wonder if Angela fired Elle because at this stage she's the only Company employee who would be more likely to back Bennet over Angela if there was a power struggle.

Best thing about this episode had to be the cracktastic pair up of Sylar and Noah. It should be a spin-off. Bennet and Grey investigate. He's a badass morally grey family man trying to live the 1950s dream. He's an indestructible psychopath with a hunger for brains. Together THEY FIGHT CRIME!

I'm really glad they've pitted Bennet against Sylar again. Their little Red Dragon thing (Sylar = Hannibal, Bennet = Edward Norton, Mohinder = Clarice) was one of the highlights of season one for me. And watching those two go up against each other is far more interesting than watching Sylar go up against Peter. Peter's got the side of good. So he can be the biggest idiot in the world and still win with the power of looove. Whereas with Bennet being a morally ambiguous figure it comes down to a far more satisfying battle of wits and strategy.

And finally, I knew they couldn't keep the dream team apart. Bennet + Haitian 4Evers. And was that jealousy from the Haitian? Or maybe he's just worried he's going to be partnered with Hiro.

Anyway, I liked this episode. I'm starting to thing there is no good and bad scale when it comes to Heroes. The episodes just are what they are in all their ridiculous convoluted crackatstic glory. I can definitely say there was nothing I particularly hated this week, which may be due to the absence of Spider!Mo. Although, I think it's going to turn out that it is Cockroach!Mo (Mo!Roach?) since Mohinder was always going on about God being a cockroach).

Questions I want answering: why are Nathan, Maya, Mohinder and Ando missing from Angela's dream of doom? Who the heck is Daphne's boss? And why in the promo has Sylar turned into Sandra?


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