
Oct 04, 2014 13:46

i n c h a r a c t e r.
Abilities: River is telepathic and has psychic abilities. The latter will be toned down given the nature of RP. She's also highly skilled in martial arts and weaponry.

Please fill this out in reference to what River can know:
Does your character have the ability to block telepaths: Magic, etc
Is there anything vital in your character's past that River would know about: death, murder, anything graphic or violent she'd pick up on
Is there anything you don't want River to mention: things that are too personal

Violence: I'm fine with anything happening to River so long as she isn't killed. She can and will fight back though.

Other Character's Abilities: Very much open.

Physical Contact: She's more likely to shy away from it, but she won't dismiss it if cr is in place.

Information Spilling: She's from the end of her canon, so not likely to happen.

o u t o f c h a r a c t e r.
Backtags: Fine with me. I'm a pretty fast tagger, but I understand not everyone is.

Smut: Given River's instability, this is more than likely not going to happen.

Mindfucking: I'm fine with graphic violence, psychological torture, and anything else that would go in this category. I don't have much for a trigger. I would just like to discuss it first.

Unsure about anything? Post a comment. I also have aim and plurk if you wish to discuss it more privately/ faster.

permissions, !!ooc, [comm] exitvoid

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