First Post, Eh?

Dec 16, 2005 09:29

So I've been around for a couple of months and still haven't written anything here. Now that I think why I made my LJ in the first place... I don't really know.

So, Fic Rec.

While on my daily quest for H/Ds, I stumbled upon a piece written in the LOTR fandom. I said, let's check it out.

Night Talk, by juxiantang.

It's a breath-taking Hurt/Comfort ficlet placed a few days after Boromir tried to take the ring from Frodo. Unlike Tolkien, the author wanted him alive. I like him very much alive too ;)

Upon reading it, I jumped to the conclusion I wanted to read more Aragorn/Boromir. I was wrong. What I wanted was a non-sexual hurt-comfort, like this one. Notice that among the slightly disturbing pairings (flashes written very well, very tastefully, though), there is nothing going on between Boromir and the future King of Gondor. But... flows so nicely, and Boromir's shame is so tangible, and Aragorn's own insecurities are there as well, and the way the Fellowship and Faramir are integrated into the story. I want to read it again and again.

There is so much in Aragorn's voice; he can say so much, just only with his name. Wariness, reproach, warning not to do anything stupid. Like that time when Boromir picked up the Ring on the snow - it was Aragorn's voice that made him snap out of the Ring's spell, not his hand on the sword hilt.

Too bad Aragorn was not there to stop him when he harassed Frodo, when he tried to take the Ring.

boromir, fic, aragorn, rec, lotr

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