((and i still keep on going))

Jul 07, 2011 23:30

If those in Dissimulo are in need of it, I can continue to provide conjured food and drink. Although I do hope everyone is making use of the fertile ground here. I doubt the scientists would've given us all of these gardening materials if they didn't intend for us to use them.

[He looks at the screen, and frowns a bit wryly.]

Actually, I suppose it's difficult to put any faith in the scientists' actions. But this opportunity has risen, nonetheless. It would be foolish to waste it, particularly if we manage to clear an underground path back to Discedo.

[He makes a move as though to finish the broadcast, then pauses.]

...two days in the middle of this month are blank in my memory. This has happened to us before - and yet, this time seems...different. I feel as though something positive happened.

[He looks thoughtful, and seems to invite your opinion if you'd like to share it. He has been acting rather more cheerful than usual...he gives a shake of his head and turns off the feed.]

meryls got it goin on

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