(no subject)

Mar 02, 2011 22:12

To all of my housemates, everything that I've tried has so far failed to stop these damned fish from getting in. There's a school of flying ones heading up the stairs now, and I swear the ray in the living room is leaving rainbows...

[The mage trails off, realizing how utterly ridiculous he sounds. He growls, angry at himself for rambling.]

If you see them, I'm afraid I can't help you. Bad enough that Takato was injured -

[Alas, the stingrays and the flying fish are not the only fishy visitors to Casa de Meryl. An eel has been steadily heading in Meryl's direction since the beginning of his post, and it's finally reached him - ]


fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, never a dull day in discedo, discedo, this is madness this is discedo, what is this shit, get off my lawn, events? in my disco?, meryl's care of magical creatures

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