
Dec 27, 2010 21:56

[Crickle. Crickle Crickle. It's not quite a crackle. It's too quiet, too subtle. Although it's Meryl's frequency, he's left it on the table, where Monk Gyatso is curiously watching something.]

[He's not the only curious one in the house. Footfalls are coming closer, and then Meryl's voice, slightly suspicious.] Gyatso? What are you doing?

[And if no one has noticed, there is a Santa hat on the monk's head.] Watching my present from the scientists. They call them "Mexican Jumping Beans".

[Santa hat is awesome. Anyway, Meryl is somewhere off camera still, but the frown can be inferred from his tone.] "Mexican Jumping -"? They aren't really jumping, are they?

They are; watch them and listen. [And Gyatso reaches down to touch one, but the result cannot be seen.]

[The old mage rounds the corner finally, and stands in the threshold of the room, looking rather disbelieving. And rather cranky. As usual.] ....Gyatso...why are they doing that? [Perhaps a bit of "What did you do?" stuck in there.]

It seems they do not like the light or to be touched. [Gyatso moves something on the table and the sounds quiet after a few moments.] That is what the booklet said.

The beans care about being touched. [ :||||| what is this. The only thing he can think of is some kind of pirhanna plant, so: ] Are they dangerous?

They are larvae of a moth and are not dangerous. They're only children. [Gyatso chuckles.]

[Aaaand the look of incredulity on Meryl's face is almost comical.] Children? You...they're bugs. [Just. Just facepalm. At least he's smiling at bit when he raises his head.] So you've adopted them now, have you?

[Gyatso enjoys messing with you. He's smiling and laughs gently.] So it seems. Will you bring me some water for them?

[He takes a moment to think about it, because he's not really sure if he wants to indulge bugs as kids, but....alright. How can you say no to Gyatso? His hand glows, and a glass of water appears there moments later.] Here.

[Gyatso smiles and takes the glass.] Thank you, Meryl.... O-Oh! [His eyes go wide and he looks up.]

What's...[Meryl follows his eyes up and...well, he's already pale (and dead), but if he could, he would. Above them is a sprig of mistletoe, for when Meryl tries to pull away, a zap of electricity shocks him and musses his hair.] G-gah! [WELP.]

[Gyatso has to hide his mouth to laugh a little.] That will not do, Meryl. There is only one way to escape.

Errr.....[Suddenly, Meryl seems pretty embarrassed, and even a bit nervous. He's pondering trying to get out another way, perhaps by twitching out of it.] I....

[Gyatso looks amused as he rises to his feet. He's not trying to escape, so he doesn't get trapped.] Bend down, Meryl.

W-what?! What do you...[The mage tries to duck away again, which only results in another shock. Which does, at least, make him hunch over a bit.] Ah -

[Gyatso leans up and kisses Meryl on the forehead, just barely able to reach. The communicator, left alone all this time, times out.]
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