Right now, there isn't going to be an art show if we don't get more people submitting their works and/or offering to help out. We're looking for anything that people would like to see. It's going to be a few days long, open to the public and school over certain periods of the day. You can wander in and look around, see what your schoolmates are working on, and basically enjoy each other's works.
If interested, please leave a note to this entry, or you can talk to me, or Sabukuno Kankuro. Either one, it doesn't matter, we're both in it together. We're shooting to get this up relatively soon, and are already bouncing ideas around on how to set it up and keep things nice. We just need to know what you all think and if you want to be involved.
Let us know! Otherwise, there's no point in us going through all this, if no one wants to participate!