Covid links from Medscape

Jan 06, 2022 18:33

Could the Omicron Surge Hasten the Transition From Pandemic to Endemic?

The record-setting surge in COVID-19 cases nationwide - including more than one million new infections reported on January 3 - raises questions about whether the higher Omicron variant transmissibility will accelerate a transition from pandemic to endemic disease.

Furthermore, does the steep increase in number of people testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 mean the United States could finally achieving a meaningful level of 'herd immunity'?
Infectious disease experts weigh in on these possibilities.

US Hospitals Seeing Different Kind of COVID Surge This Time

Hospitals across the U.S. are feeling the wrath of the omicron variant and getting thrown into disarray that is different from earlier COVID-19 surges.
This time, they are dealing with serious staff shortages because so many health care workers are getting sick with the fast-spreading variant. People are showing up at emergency rooms in large numbers in hopes of getting tested for COVID-19, putting more strain on the system. And a surprising share of patients - two-thirds in some places - are testing positive while in the hospital for other reasons.

Stop Gloating Over COVID Deaths Among Anti-Vaxxers

I absolutely do not encourage badmouthing, finger-pointing, or insulting anybody who's lost someone to COVID-19, even if part of the reason that might have happened is that they didn't take the proper precautions or they didn't follow the best medical advice.

At the end of the day, if we're cruel to those we disagree with, I don't think it's going to move the needle in terms of getting them to do better, to support better practices, or to reconsider some of their opposition to the best tools we have to protect them against diseases like COVID-19.

It just doesn't work that way. I don't think hate delivers.

Can Inflammation Profiling Predict Recovery From Long-COVID?

  • The sequelae of a hospital admission with COVID-19 remain substantial 1 year after discharge across a range of health domains.

  • Patient-perceived health-related quality of life remains reduced at 1 year compared to prehospital admission.

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news, covid-19, infection control, medicine

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