Non-Covid Medscape articles

Jan 04, 2022 04:04

Breaking the Cycle of Exhaustion

(A wise person once said, "Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." To that I say, "Yeah, right."

Celebrities live what appears to be the perfect life with what seems like limitless money at their disposal, and even they have days where life just smacks them in the face. Without a doubt, the average person sometimes thinks about flipping over their desk and running free out the nearest exit while sitting through a Zoom or Webex meeting. Yes, you can love your job. And yes, you can be exhausted from it.

It seems that as healthcare workers, we develop this complex of "being needed." So much so that we come in on our day off and work countless hours of overtime because the unit is understaffed. We then go through the crash-and-burn phase in which we are just so tired on our scheduled day, and we end up calling out. Which then continues the cycle of the unit being understaffed. Now more than ever, nurses are finding themselves in a dynamic love/hate relationship with their jobs. I can just imagine the literature that will be coming out years from now on the shift COVID has caused on healthcare. ...)

'How Can You Do This?' When the Patient's Family Dictates Care in Opposition to Medical Recommendations

Some Good News on Alcohol and 'Holiday Heart Syndrome'

(When thinking about alcohol consumption over the holiday period, the results of a new study published this week may give a little reassurance on the effects of the odd festive tipple.

The large cohort study found no association of total alcohol consumption with ventricular arrhythmia, and a U-shaped association for sudden cardiac death.

While it has been well established that alcohol use is linked to atrial fibrillation, a phenomenon known as "Holiday Heart Syndrome," the current results suggest this does not appear to extend to ventricular fibrillation....)

The Year in Medicine 2021: News That Made a Difference

(Many very interesting tidbits in this one)

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