Latest batch of Covid links

Dec 29, 2021 17:47

Coronavirus Can Spread to Heart, Brain Days After Infection

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can spread to the heart and brain within days of infection and can survive for months in organs, according to a new study by the National Institutes of Health.

The virus can spread to almost every organ system in the body, which could contribute to the ongoing symptoms seen in "long COVID" patients, the study authors wrote. The study is considered one of the most comprehensive reviews of how the virus replicates in human cells and persists in the human body. It is under review for publication in the journal Nature.

CDC Lowers Omicron Estimate of Coronavirus Variants in US to 58.6%

Israel Testing Second Booster Shot as Way to Thwart Omicron

Thank you, dear readers. This is your host, Med_Cat, signing off with Covid updates for 2021.

Not sure how much I will post or comment in 2022, just to let you know in advance. We'll all be working at bedside.

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news, covid-19, infection control, links

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