Covid Links

Nov 20, 2021 14:43

COVID links from Medscape:

COVID Resurges in Europe: A Preview of What's Ahead for the US

"...As a result, it's difficult to predict and prepare for what might lie ahead for the U.S., he says.

"There's a ton of uncertainty and we're trying to understand what's going to happen here over the next 6 months," he says.

Even so, Truelove adds that what's happening overseas might not be "super predictive" of a new wave of COVID in the U.S.

For one thing, he says, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the two mRNA vaccines used predominantly in the U.S., are far more effective - 94-95% - than the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID shot (63%) widely administered across Europe.

Secondly, European countries have impose much stronger and stricter control measures throughout the pandemic than the U.S. That might actually be driving the new surges because fewer unvaccinated people have been exposed to the virus, which means they have lower "natural immunity" from prior COVID infection...."

US COVID-19 Cases Begin to Rise Again as Holidays Approach

Hospitals' COVID Strain Tied to Subsequent Spike in Excess Deaths

Sanjay Gupta on Becoming 'Pandemic Proof' and Eating Pickles

And: PLEASE: mask and distance.

Mask-Wearing Cuts New COVID-19 Cases by 53%, Study Says

More Than 100 Million People Worldwide Have or Had Long COVID: Study

COVID Spread Among Deer Causes Concern Over New Variants

(because ticks and Lyme disease weren't enough. Now we have an animal reservoir...)

Deciding it's over, or Endemicity, from Siderea on DW

news, covid-19, infection control, medicine

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