Links aplenty

Mar 21, 2020 17:49

Just in case you were looking for some reading material...;) That's what I'd been reading, over the last couple weeks

General Interest:

What happens when a town votes for a dog or a cat to be the mayor, from Today I Found Out

11 sources of free ebooks and audiobooks, from Mashable

Disney and Kennedy Space Center are offering free online activities for kids during school closures, from Fox 13 News

Virtual Disney World Rides


FDA approves new test that could detect coronavirus in about 45 minutes, from CNN

Some people really have no moral compass, it seems...

Man lied about positive coronavirus test to get paid vacation

Three articles from The National Geographic:

Why we evolved to feel panic and anxiety

Why soap is preferable to bleach in the fight against coronavirus

Here is what coronavirus does to the body
Medicine, science, and general info:

Three articles from Al Jazeera:

South Korea's coronavirus lessons: Quick, easy tests; monitoring

Your coronavirus emergency kit: How to work from home effectively

Live Updates, from Italy and around the world

Fake coronavirus news is everywhere, here's how to discern the facts, not the fiction, from Science Alert

Coronavirus survives for hours in the air, and up to 3 days on plastic and steel, from RT Magazine

The Week That Wasn't in COVID-19: Centenarian Survives, High-Risk Blood Types, from Medscape

COVID-19 lessons from Seatle, with Dr. Nick Mark, from Solving Healthcare with Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng

Medscape Coronavirus Page--constantly updated links to articles

Younger Adults Make Up Big Portion of Coronavirus Hospitalizations in U.S., from the NY Times

New C.D.C. data shows that nearly 40 percent of patients sick enough to be hospitalized were age 20 to 54. But the risk of dying was significantly higher in older people.

Hey spring breakers, you are the dystopian horror story character nobody roots for

COVID-19: Coronavirus update from concerned physicians, from KevinMD

The idiot's guide to coronavirus, from an emergency physician, from KevinMD

(I can't say I like the title, but the article is good, and explains how to avoid transmission of other infectious diseases, besides)

How SARS-COV-2 tests work and what's next in COVID-19 diagnostics, from The Scientist

covid-19, books, science, infection control, children, links, medicine

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