I can see the point he is making! But like any such generalization, the opposite can be said to be true as well, to some extent. I suppose he is implying that most patients killed by earlier medicine would have died anyway?
My reaction was pretty similar to yours. I'm not sure trepanation, or untreated fistulas, or mercury, or otc laudanum, or so many other things count as 'relatively safe'. (But I tend to be grumpy about nostalgia for reasons I will not go into at this time.)
Absolutively! I'd love to know more context about this specific quote AND I always love it and learn from it when you post about medicine. *waits attentively*
Thank you for your kind words :) I am glad if you have found my medicine and nursing-themed posts informative and relevant.
A bit of context, then: the quote was on one of the slides for the webinar from the AACN (American Association of Critical Care Nurses), titled "Support for the Second Victim: Caring for Our Own".
(Support the Second Victim: Health professionals suffer distress after poor patient outcomes, even if no error occurred.)
Additionally, the current medical and technological advancements produce their own ethical dilemmas: just because you _can_ treat something, does that mean you _should_? and what is the value of quality vs. quantity of life?
But like any such generalization, the opposite can be said to be true as well, to some extent. I suppose he is implying that most patients killed by earlier medicine would have died anyway?
A bit of context, then: the quote was on one of the slides for the webinar from the AACN (American Association of Critical Care Nurses), titled "Support for the Second Victim: Caring for Our Own".
(Support the Second Victim: Health professionals suffer distress after poor patient outcomes, even if no error occurred.)
Additionally, the current medical and technological advancements produce their own ethical dilemmas: just because you _can_ treat something, does that mean you _should_? and what is the value of quality vs. quantity of life?
*edified, contemplates*
...have you read Atul Gawande's "Being Mortal"? If not, I think you might find it of interest...
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