Leslie Fish's "Shelter" being posted to FFN; REMOVED!

Jan 04, 2011 21:52

FINAL UPDATE: VICTORY! The story has been taken down. Thanks to everyone who reported the story and/or left a comment.
JayJay133 at fanfiction.net has started posting Leslie Fish's "Shelter" there, in chapters -- without authorization, though she does indicate that it's not her own work. Who do we smack? I don't have a FFN login, and I'm not sure how to report things like this.

People, why so DUMB?

UPDATE: I've reported the story to FFN, now let's hope it goes away.

UPDATE UPDATE: I'm unlocking this entry for wider visibility.

This entry was originally posted at http://mecurtin.dreamwidth.org/219067.html. There are
comments there for this post; you can reply there using your LJ, DW, or Open ID, or anonymously

k/s, rage

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