Jan 28, 2011 17:44
I don't normally care so much about politics, so long as the government doesn't completely screw us over. And I vote, and in the time leading up to the election I do watch everything and read all the articles and attempt to make an informed choice, though I will by no means consider myself any kind of expert on the topic.
Which is why I find it weird that I am actually offended by the Conservative Party of Canada's new (attack) ads on their youtube channel. I'm never offended by ads, I just find them silly and ridiculous, even when they're not for my own country's governments. And from what I remember about them, both the Canadian Liberals and the Conservatives are complete idiots, though mostly for the Liberals that was a series of increasingly dumb choices for party leader, eventually leading to their downfall to the Conservatives five years ago.
What I don't quite understand is why the Conservatives are being such arrogant, pigheaded bastards when they're not only in power but, the last time any sort of vote of confidence or popularity poll was done, they were still in the lead.
Really, guys. Have some class. You've already shamed Canada enough in the last few years, especially when dealing with international issues (i.e. the UN's vote on whether or not water is a fundamental human resource). Don't make your the people you represent start hating you, too. It's one thing to be lead by a bunch of paranoid fools who feel like they need to constantly be on both the defense and the offence, blaming the other parties for all their mistakes and errors.
It's another thing entirely to actually see an example of the above, blatantly displayed for everyone to feel sick inside over.
meco talks politics,
meco is a dork,