Since this is one of the few weeks I have off (and I don't even really have it "off", considering), I set aside a whole day to spend with friendlies. And the friendlies were ever and always so much fun to be around. [Especially because we typo EVERYTHING, including when we speak, so half of our conversations include stumbling over words and then five minutes mocking ourselves with "blah-muyah-bwah" etc.]
So Kris, Jenki and I met up around 11, Cel dropping in at almost 12 and we all noming lunch together. And somehow we had a fourty-five minute discussion on religious practices (which resulted in realizing that not ONE person in our group of friends has the same belief system as another, which was a bit... odd? Oh, and scaring other people in the food court~!). Kris eventually had to head off to work, leaving we three to wander, and--AH. I HAS NEWS.
Our favorite cosplay story EVEREVEREVEREVEREVEREVEREVER is going out of business, so of COURSE we had to drop by! And! I remember from back in May that they had had a Tales of the Abyss: Rokujinshou Senketsuo no Asch (Six God Generals: Asch the Bloody) cosplay. And I wanted so muchlies... but, to my horror, they were all sold out. Which was sad. (Very. T_T) BUT THEY STILL HAD ONE FULL COSPLAY OF LUKE FON FABRE, and at 80% off... well, I had to buy it. Mind you, I have to go find my own black t-shirt and cut and hem it properly, but OH WELL. (On that note, if anyone knows a store that makes t-shirts with a tight body and loose sleeves, let me know? It'd save me a lot of extra work.)
So for Anime North this year, I am going as Luke! And probably Matthew from Axis Powers Hetalia, since I already have Kumajirou and part of the cosplay anyways. And maybe Yuuko again (I do love that cosplay :3). If anyone else is going, again, LET ME KNOW. Please.
...yes, that's right, studying. For exams.
[I live to break your brains. XD]
Cel is currently enrolled in a Japanese course at UofT, and tonight was her quiz. (I was studying for exams over dinner, but that wasn't that interesting... besides getting to compare Lucian, Xenophon and Aeschylus to Dan Brown :D) It was a quiz on the 'k-' and 's-' characters of Hiragana and Katakana, and she was having trouble remembering all of them... so Jenki and I decided to help out.
By first of all, doing the usual, "okay, the character for 'so' looks like a cyclop's smiley face, so... for the 's-' character plus 'o', think 'o' like one eye and TA-DAH, CYCLOPS!". But then we started getting silly, and made up stories. Such as the following:
"Jenki is poor now because the fishhook sued her. It decided to sue on behalf of the decapitated man (who ran into the fishhook since he couldn't see and whose head is now permanently sad), and that, because of her clumsiness by running into a tree, the person who had once happily used the fishhook can't anymore (since by running into the tree, Jenki unearthed a root and made the fishmonger trip, the fishmonger's bangs flying out of her eyes and allowing the object that had previously fallen off the table to stab her in the eye, thereby turning her into a cyclops). And since the decapitated man can't see anymore, he also tripped over the object that fell off the table and broke his leg, and so now has both a cast and a cane that he made from a branch that fell off the tree when the fishmonger tripped (although sometimes he uses crutches set at height seven)."
And, believe it or not, that story is all about ka, ke, ku, ki, ko, sa, se, su, si/shi, and so.
Ka - cast and cane; crutches
Ke - object falling off table
Ku -
Ki - tree; tee + visible root
Ko - the poked out eye; the poked out eye
Sa - sad face/head; tree missing a branch
Se - bangs over eye; bangs/object stabbing eye
Su - Jenki is poor; decapitated man running around
Si/Shi - fishhook; smiling/happy face
So - cyclops smiley; a fancy '7' (as written on the crutches at height '7')
We ended up not including either "ku" or hiragana's "ke" because at this point we were getting lazy and Cel knew those three pretty well anyways.
I think, that if we HAD to say something about them, ku would be either an arrowhead or a slanted, upside down "u". The hiragana "ke" would be... well, I would say a person about to touch a spear sticking out of the wall (death-trap, anyone?), but that's probably because I was the one who came up with most of the aforementioned gory elements to the story. Objects falling off tables? Smiley/sad/cyclops faces? Jenki's, totally. People's eyes being stabbed out? Tripping over objects and breaking bones? Being decapitated? Totally me.
[We say that Jenki is poor because the character in question for 'su' is a t-shape (the basic form of what we've been calling "people") with a circle on the left side at what would be about hip-height. The bottom of the 't' is curved to make it look sort of like a 'J', so our basic idea was "person + letter 'J' + hole at hip-height = JENKI IS A PERSON WHO IS POOR... because she was SUED".
Aren't we witty?
Now, to plan for the rest of the hiragana/katakana.... XD