Things I have learned recently:
- Apparently Canadians are actually incredibly violent; the only reason why Canada is seen as a pacifistic country is because we have other means to work out our agression besides wars: specifically, hockey.
- Hence the war of 1812: hockey hadn't been invented yet (or it had, but was not popular AT ALL), and so the Canadian had to resort to the same standby that most other countries use, aka war. Also, hence the British-Canadian troups trouncing the Americans and burning the White House. Alsoalso, nothing is as important as hockey... so hence Canadians getting easily bored with war and giving the Americans an opening to come and burn York.
- In Ancient Greece, a slave's word could not be trusted in a court of law, even if they were being honest and telling the truth. The only time taking a slave's word as evidence was allowed was if said slave was tortured first.
- Deceiving weather is deceiving (and horribly annoying).
- ...I need to write more fic. :(
...and that's all for now.
(A fic that I've been working on for
rainbowtuna should be up later... if I can work up the courage to post it. Aaaaaaaaaaaargh, wth is with me and my nervousness lately?)
OH. AND. I've tried drawing sketches of Tsuna, though I'm not pleased with any of them. As Reading Week is coming up, I should have an excuse to aquire a scanner... though no guarnatees. Gah.