Welllll... this shall be an interesting post.
NOT going thru KHR! M-246 and A-137/A-138 AGAIN because I'm kindof supposed to be "studying" (Stats assignment that I really should get out tomorrow, but OH WELL) and watching youtube is not exactly conducive to, uh, getting work done.
Then again, neither is lj. Whaddayaknow?
SO. In order to basically ignore the aforementioned assignment as long as I possibly can without the chance of failing, I basically spent all day on facebook. Specifically, all day taking QUIZES on facebook. Apparently I should have been born/lived/died in the 1980s (wth kind of stupidly short life is THAT?), the Aether is an element, of which I am a part (which, actually, kind of makes sense. If by makes sense we're talking about the description of the Aether and not the Aether being an element), AND if I was a vampire and had vampire-powers ala Twilight, BESIDES being all sparkly and shinies and WAY TOO AMUSING FOR MY OWN GOOD (or, well, amusing for myself. I'd probably just find a nice, bright patch of sunlight and watch my skin go SPARKLESPARKLE ALL DAMN DAY, being easily amused and all), I'd also be an illusionist.
(Just as long as there is no "dancing the eternal pineapple samba" involved, kthx. [The KHR! omake. Where Ken. Asks Mukuro. About his hairstyle. BEST IDEA EVER. Who else wants a pineapple BOMB?])
Anyways, along with the whole facebook thing was catching up on my pop!culture, something I'm woefully behind on (not that I actually care, but at least this way I can sort-of hold a conversation with people!). Aaaaaand... Michael Jackson. And Farrah Fawcett. And RIP BOTH OF YOU, BECAUSE APPARENTLY YOU WERE AMAZING/AMUSING PEOPLE AND, AS SUCH, PEOPLE WILL MISS YOU.
...except, er, me. (This being something I nearly posted to my facebook profile and then decided--uh, no. No need to get lynched for being uncaring.) See, I never really fancied MJ's music. And I never watched the original Charlie's Angels. And the most I heard about MJ was always about his NOSE (or whatever craziness he'd wrapped himself up in most recently), and the most I heard about Fawcett was when she actually was diagnosed with cancer and started this whole "Farrah Story" thing.
So yes, I feel bad. Two great icons or whatever have passed on. And anyone dying is sad, and therefore should be mourned and, celebrity or public figure or not, it's just in bad taste to insult/talk bad of the dead. So I won't.
But again, I wouldn't anyway, because these two were honestly NOT ON MY RADAR WHATSOEVER. And sad as it is... I can't especially bring myself to care.
(I would entirely blame KHR! for this since, uh, EVERYONE TENDS TO END UP TORTURED/DEAD and therefore my tolerance for such things has skyrocketed, especially with this latest spew of crack from Amano, and Code Geass, when I get around to it, REALLY DOES NOT HELP.... But then I realize that I still get all depressed and cry and everything about that sort of thing, and therefore... I dunno. I guess unless the death is EPICALLY TRAGIC or in the middle of a war or something, I... don't find it sad enough to actually GET sad over?)
Anyways, RIP to, uh, them. [And celebrity or not, how disgusting is it that people dying overseas--for a stupid reason or not, they're still fighting over in the middle east to keep the peace or whatever, and therefore who have arguably done far more for all of us than any celebrity ever did, besides providing a bit of amusement--gets far less coverage then celebrities when they die? I mean, a solider might get a thirty-second nod in the evening news or something. Celebrities get a whole HALF HOUR PLUS, and you can't argue they worked harder--how many are people like Paris Hilton who are famous strictly for being famous?]
Was dragged out of bed earlier by dearling fahj, because he was heading off to go coordinate this huge golf tournament somewhere or other (that, FYI, got rained out via thunderstorm). And he, of course, wanted to say "bye". So he says "bye", I go to study, and WHADDAYAKNOW? He's forgotten something. So ten minutes later he's back and heads downstairs to grab whatever it was, and then starts screaming. LIKE A LITTLE GIRL. And I'm thinking he's done something terribly horrible like stabbed himself with that hacksaw that tends to magically appear in places where it really shouldn't be appearing, so I rush down all ready to do first aid/call 911.... And he's standing there. At the door to the laundry room. And his shoes are wet.
Because, obviously, a bit of water magically appearing on the floor outside the laundry room (where, mind you, the main drain happens to be!) is OBVIOUSLY BAD and, therefore, OBVIOUSLY SOMETHING TO SCREAM ABOUT.
So, once we cleared up that there WAS WATER and that no, no one was dying via magical hacksaw from HELL, the next step was to, logically, figure out wth the water was coming from and STOP IT.
...not that THAT went any easier, either.
Fahj: "Hm... well, all the water seems to be around the drain."
Moi: "Ye, apparently."
Fahj: "...I guess we need to call the city."
Moi: "...? The city?" [Because yes, leaks are obviously something to call the metropolitan government regarding.]
Fahj: "Because the drain is backing up."
Moi: "................."
The silence, of course, being because of the way our house is built. In the basement, all the floors are either slightly angled or notably angled towards the drain, so that in case of flooding all the water will immediately head for said drain instead of sitting around and getting musty/moudly should no one be around to clean it up. And, apparently, this drain (aka eight 5-mm diameter holes in the floor arranged in approx. a semi-circle) is, in fact, attached to the City of Toronto's main water pipeline/sewer system, so if the drain is backing up, then that means that, basically, every faucet, sewer, manhole and drain on our street would ALSO being having the exact same problem.
But of course, that is not even the part I'm dotting about!
Fahj: "See? The carpet around the drain is all wet." [And yes, our drain is partially covered with a carpet. Don't ask.]
Moi: "...it's a drain. The sink or washer in the laundry room just probably overfilled the last time we used them." [Aka last night.]
Fahj: "No."
Moi: "...no?"
Fahj: "No."
Moi: "Have you already checked the laundry room?"
Fahj: "Yes. The floor is dry, so it can't be the laundry room, and must be the drain."
Moi: "...uh-huh?"
And THEN we decided to push the carpet aside/fold it in half in order to figure out exactly how far the water has spread, and--lo and behold!--there is a basically straight line of wet carpet from the drain to the laundry room.
Moi: "Ta-dah. We have a trail. And the trail points to the laundry room."
Fahj: "But the laundry room floor isn't WET."
Moi: "It might have been wet during the night and just dried. It's tiled floor with a fan on it. It can dry quickly, you know."
Fahj: "I KNOW, but it still can't be the laundry room!"
Moi: "Then, according to this, what do you think happened?"
Fahj: "The drain overflowed. And ran in that direction."
Moi: "...the water ran UPHILL IN A STRAIGHT LINE?"
Fahj: "............" {GLARES}
So eventually I just end up promising to keep an eye on the drain in case it 'overflows' again because he was going to otherwise be late, and as much as I lack a sense of reality from reading KHR! WAY TOO OFTEN, at least I still have a basic concept of physics and the idea that water, if welling up in a concave area, will well up in a CIRCLE, and will NOT randomly move uphill in a straight line.
So THEN mother dearling gets in on this, and tries playing detective OVER THE PHONE. While, mind you, having just dragged me out of the shower, so I'm standing on cold tiled floor, in the basement, with the AC going, and snarling at my dearling parent because, uh, I don't mind the cold. SO LONG AS I'M NOT WET.
Moi: "Okay. I don't know. I can't SEE. I don't have my GLASSES ON."
Mahj: "But you're right there!"
Moi: "I was IN THE SHOWER. I AM COLD. And I am BLIND WITHOUT GLASSES. So, no. Give me a second to maybe get the conditioner out of my hair, dried off, and my clothes on? And THEN maybe I can (and will actually be able to willingly) help out with this."
Mahj: ".........THAT'S IT."
Except she was standing in the darkroom at this point and scared the shite out of her patient laying on the examining table and nearly made them fall off said table. But anyways~
Mahj: "Oh, your father is on the other line. Be good, don't let anything get wet, and I'll see you at home!"
Moi: "...does that mean I can finish my shower now?"
So THEN I had to go be detective MYSELF, and, apparently, SHERLOCK HOLMES POWERS GET.
The only way to get into the furnace room is through a small sliding door in the laundry room. And in said furnace room is not just the furnace, but things like the batteries for various house systems, extra cases of water/pop/tea/juice that we've yet to put in the fridge, apparently old doors and curtain rods and half-hockey sticks, tool boxes, and the air conditioning unit.
AKA the air conditioning unit that I was about to murder anyway, since mother dearling needs it COLD (I'm NOT looking forward to menopause) and therefore I'm left FREEZING, and--hey! Apparently, the pipe that connects the ac unit with the drain runs along the wall through the furnace room, through the laundry room, to the laundry room drain at the far end of said laundry room, and needs to be kept at a specific angle or else the water does not run out, fills up the ac unit, and eventually leaks out all over the floor and through the edge of the laundry room under the linen closet to the main drain.
And GUESS what we just turned on Tuesday so that my baby cousin wouldn't die of the heat when she came over?
SO. One mystery solved.
Opperation empty out furnace room of EVERYTHING ON THE FLOOR THAT WAS WET (aka just simply EVERYTHING) GET. And there were some really, really interesting things in there... but I digress.
So mother eventually makes it home, and decides to help out with emptying stuff out/mopping up water/fixing piping. We eventually decided the best way to fix the pipe was to get some rope and string up the part of the pipe in question that was causing the backlog and then be done with it.
BUT it turns out we do not have 5' of solid, strong rope that could be used to tie up the pipe.
And thus we found a good 50' of wire (that, I think(?) is some kind of tin, maybe, or steel, but whatever). EXCEPT then we could not find anything to CUT IT WITH (because, obv, using 50' of wire is a BIT of an overkill, and we had enough extra stuff junking up the furnace room anyway).
Which was when mother dearling came up with wire VERSUS EXACTO KNIFE. So she took to hacking and slashing at the stupid wire, which WOULD NOT CUT OR BREAK OR ANYTHING, before we were finally, "Oh! Wire cutters! Where's that plier gone again...?" [because technically all the tools and whatnot are my darling father's, even if he DOES NOT USE THEM and is more than just a little bit useless at home reno or even home upkeep and maitenance, and so even though we're the ones that used said tools, he's the one who likes to organize them and, subsequently, lose them].
And THEN, when we finally find the wire cutters! After a good half hour of searching! We go to cut the wire, and the STUPID THING BREAKS OFF IN MY HAND. WTH.
BUT we still had the wire, and it was just over 5' and therefore a good length, and so we get to tying up the pipe.
And in the meantime, we're wondering--just to make 100% sure that we're right about the pipe--and so we take the pipe, disconnect it from the laundry room drain (which is a series of specially-designed and fitted holes in the wall, not the floor) and stick it into a bucket. And pre-pipe-fixing, there IS NO WATER going into it. And post-pipe-fixing....
Well, that's what happened about ten minutes ago! And so, THERE IS STORY!
About 2 1/2 hours after we tried to 'fix' everything, we go and check on the laundry room and furnace room and drain. Well, that and we decided to put on a load of laundry (since, obv, it was NOT the washing machine, nor the dryer, not the freezer, nor the sink, that was leaking water everywhere!). And--TADAH!--the bucket is now OVER HALFWAY FILLED. Which really kind of tells you everything you need to know about the situation (if 2 1/2 hours = half a bucket of water, and we've had the ac running since TUESDAY without proper drainage...!).
BUT THEN Fahj, who has decided to relocate to the cottage for the weekend and leading up to Canada Day on July 1, calls and is all, "Yo, family! How are you doing with that drain problem that I totally dumped on you? You call the city yet?" And we're rather, "NO, YOU INGRATE. YOU BETTER MAKE THE COTTAGE REALLY NICE OR ELSE YOU DIE."
And so he talks with Mahj for a bit, and then hangs up, and we finally realize that, hey, that much water into the bucket? Said bucket--which has been suspended between the washer and sink all this time to catch all the water from the ac pipe--is probably going to fall. And at that moment--IT DOES. So we're able to catch the bucket and keep most of the water from spilling out, and decide that, hey, we've tested our theory, so let's stick the pipe back into the drain and TRY NOT TO SPILL ANYMORE WATER IN THE PROCESS.
Which WOULD have worked out well enough, except--who should call?!--but FAHJ. AGAIN. While we're in the middle of moving pipe from bucket into hole-in-wall. With the phone RIGHT by our ears. Bucket gets dropped (again), pipe gets wrenched WAY too far out to be able to get stuck back into said hole-in-wall, wrenching pipe means I've also just basically wrenched out all the brackets that were holding the pipe to the wall at the correct height for draining, water's still sloshing around in bucket/on floor/out of pipe, and Fahj is, "Oh yeah! Hey! Forgot to say goodnight!" And we're, "NO. YOU DIDN'T. THIS IS NOT A GOOD TIME TO CALL, YOU JERK."
Anyways, we're all cleaned up and dried and not nearly so wet or flooding anymore, which makes me happy. Especially since I'll be largely alone for this weekend. ... :( Except, really, not. Because with fam around I get NO TIME for breaks, not even for STUDYING half the time, and as much as I love them these people DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND JUST RELAX.
I think I should introduce them to KHR!. At least then they'd realize that there are much more stressful lives they could possibly be leading. At least they are not Sawada Tsunayoshi and do not have people trying to kill them on a daily basis.
[KHR! M-246 and A-137/A-138 WILL BE UP TOMORROW. I PROMISE.]
(And, I forgot to mention. In all this, Mahj pulled an epic ninja!thief move and STOLE THREE--not one, not two, but THREE--FANS FROM WORK. AND SOME TOWELS. AND BLANKETS. AND PAPER TOWELS. AND SCREWDRIVERS. And I'm kind of hoping she remembers/forgets to bring the fans, at least, back. Remember because it gets freaking hot in the back areas where patients Do Not Go and therefore will not complain about the heat to Head Office, and forget because if I have to turn off the ac due to re-flooding I'm really hoping that there will still be a fan or ten around here. Please.)