Nov 07, 2004 00:12
this week, in the UR, there were several items of note. the most important is the section of letters to president bush. some were supporting him, some were not. they all were written by people who felt like their voices needed to be heard. i was inspired by those letters to write one of my own. like those letters printed in the paper, mine will never actually be seen by the president, but still, i like to think that my voice and opinions are valid. i wrote this letter and didn't edit it completely, so i'm sorry if it offends anyone, but i thought it might be important to share. again, i just want to say that i don't mean to offend anyone, but this is my opinion, and as such, it should be respected. if i get any negative replies i hope they are respectful if you think i should consider reading them. thanks!
Dear President Bush,
It is hard to begin this letter, because I am not exactly thrilled with the results of the past election. However, I do accept that you will be the president for the next four years, and it is my most fervent hope that you use those four years to shape our country into a strong, independent place where diverse ideas are accepted. Perhaps you feel this is already the case, but I will argue otherwise.
We live in a country where intolerance runs wild. Hate crimes are still practiced in every province you can name, and racial inequality is a major issue. No one will deny that America is strong and independent, but I do not align those qualities with ‘threatening.’ And this is what we have become. We should not need to coerce others into believing what we believe. Isn’t America synonymous with freedom? I don’t see this for everyone, I see people being oppressed and it's wrong. How will you change this?
One of your most important tasks, Mr. President, is to work for our country as a whole. I feel that there is a collective of voices that you are not hearing. I have the right to ask what you plan to do for college students like me, who worry about the price of higher education in a country where one’s chances of a more stable future rest on whether or not you’ve attended college. What is being done to make it more affordable?
I wonder how you plan on protecting the environment, and how you plan to preserve some of our nation’s most precious resources, for example, the Alaskan wilderness. How do you plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil while leaving the environment intact? Do you know what we are doing to the ozone layer every day, Mr. President? It is important that during the next four years in office that you plan for tomorrow and make preserving the environment part of your plan.
I wonder how you can say that stem cell research is wrong, when so many stem cells are saving lives and helping to cure diseases that plague the human race. Please do not limit research that could help so many.
“W” does not stand for all women, Mr. President. Please understand that while providing for all citizens of this great country that you are in charge of, that you need to represent as many voices as you can. Will you not listen to those who hold a different opinion on abortion? Abortion, whether legal or not, will continue. Please keep it a safe process by keeping it legal. Do not divide this nation further.
While I do not agree with your process on going into Iraq, I agree that we have done some good by being there. But bullying other nations is not going to work to our advantage; therefore I wish you would be more democratic about listening to the U.N. We must work with the other nations of the world to create and maintain a place that is beneficial to as many people as possible, not just ourselves. To do so would be to abuse our leadership and power. Those in power must do as much as possible to help those who are not.
I support the troops fighting in Iraq and abroad. They are bringing justice to other countries. Keep it up!! I want nothing more than to give them everything they need and to help them come home safely. I think, however, that we must find a solution soon so that the troops can come home. We do not want to be fighting forever. What is your plan for this and are you considering realistic options? Truthfully, Iraq will never function like the United States does and I hope you know this.
Mr. President, while this letter may not be to your liking, I hope it helps you realize that as president, you are in a very important position. This position requires you to be the best representative of America, and all of America does not share your personal views. In your next four years as president, please consider every option while you represent us all. Thank you and good luck.