Thank you!mechtilds_ficNovember 28 2013, 21:53:16 UTC
Good heavens! Thank you, Aliensouldream. I am sorry to reply to your comment so tardily. Jan-u-wine just mentioned in an email (literally an hour ago) that you had been reading the story, wondering if you had commented. Well, I told her, since the emailed-notice-of-comments-and-replies on my journals haven't worked for nearly a year, and since I never check "Threshold" since no one's commented in ages, I would have to open the journal and check. And there your comment was.
I am so glad you have been enjoying the story. I absolutely loved writing it for as far as I got, afire to write, loved my characters and loved my story. I was burning to write a love story involving Frodo Baggins, one that I could find plausible within cannon. I couldn't imagine a Frodo Baggins content with flings, only an engrossing relationship, established over time. Yet it had to secret, since nothing is mentioned regarding an amorous present or past for Frodo in LOTR. I decided it would have to be a relationship that, within the framework of conservative and traditionalist hobbit society, could not be countenanced, and thus could never come to public notice (and also could produce no progeny).
A lot of writers who have wanted to write close to canon have chosen a male/male relationship to fulfill this requirement (i.e. a secret affair with no progeny), but that choice, to me, was not consonant with Tolkien's concept of his characters or their society.
I spent a couple of intense years getting as far as I got, filled with writerly zeal, then sort of ran out of steam. I think real life suddenly began to be too demanding all of a sudden. Then, as happens to many of us, once I wasn't writing every day it became more and more difficult to summon the concentration and will to continue in an intermittent fashion.
I keep saying one day I'll finish it. I still would like to. Alas, "liking to" do something is not the same as doing it. ;) But your kind comments encourage me.
I am so glad you have been enjoying the story. I absolutely loved writing it for as far as I got, afire to write, loved my characters and loved my story. I was burning to write a love story involving Frodo Baggins, one that I could find plausible within cannon. I couldn't imagine a Frodo Baggins content with flings, only an engrossing relationship, established over time. Yet it had to secret, since nothing is mentioned regarding an amorous present or past for Frodo in LOTR. I decided it would have to be a relationship that, within the framework of conservative and traditionalist hobbit society, could not be countenanced, and thus could never come to public notice (and also could produce no progeny).
A lot of writers who have wanted to write close to canon have chosen a male/male relationship to fulfill this requirement (i.e. a secret affair with no progeny), but that choice, to me, was not consonant with Tolkien's concept of his characters or their society.
I spent a couple of intense years getting as far as I got, filled with writerly zeal, then sort of ran out of steam. I think real life suddenly began to be too demanding all of a sudden. Then, as happens to many of us, once I wasn't writing every day it became more and more difficult to summon the concentration and will to continue in an intermittent fashion.
I keep saying one day I'll finish it. I still would like to. Alas, "liking to" do something is not the same as doing it. ;) But your kind comments encourage me.
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