Mooning over "Golden Party Tent" Frodo....

Nov 05, 2005 10:49

Yep, still procrastinating.

Because there can be no such thing as too many EE Party Tent screencaps, I pored over the scene in which Bilbo pulls Frodo aside, hiding from the arriving Sackville-Bagginses. Once they are out of danger, Bilbo tries to confide to Frodo what he plans to do. He struggles to say what he feels, but can't quite bring himself to do it. He ends up changing the subject and bringing the exchange to an abrupt close. Frodo mostly listens. I think this is a gorgeously played scene, and film-Frodo looks gorgeous in it. As I moved from frame to frame, I almost couldn't choose....

Frodo's face changed by only the tiniest increments as he listened to Bilbo, but I stared, enthralled, just the same.

I still am staring. How can he LOOK like that? My heart squeezes in my chest gazing at such finely-drawn emotions, expressed by a face of such incredible beauty. The lighting inside the tent doesn't hurt, either, producing, "Golden Frodo".

Here are some caps, appearing in film order.

Golden Party Tent Frodo:

Ah, just look at those eyes, so dark, so brimming with affectionate feeling:

And now, for the real drool-fest:

Click HERE for table of Frodo and Elijah Wood Screencaps.

~ Mechtild

frodo screencaps, frodo as character, lotr, frodo and art, fellowship of the ring

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