I’m back.
Greetings! I have just returned from my two-week-long visit to my computer-deprived family, and want to note that after the next screencap entry (“Wood Elves”, with caps from the EE scene plus two poems), the screencap project will be going on sabbatical. It isn't over, but it will be taking a break. This is just an update for fans of the series.
Before I go on, I want to try and work on some other things that have been put aside. Since July I've been trying to write an extended feedback to the author of a well-loved, well-known Frodo fanfic. I think it's about time I finished it. But you know me, I always have a lot to say and take a long time to say it (call me Treebeard). I also have found some paintings that might make good Frodo manips. I haven't done an "Art Travesty" in a very long while. I might forget how to do it! Even more, I want to write. I want to pick up where I left off in my never-finished Frodo saga. I haven't updated it in over a year, having got carried away making the screencap posts (which are so much easier to tackle). If I take advantage of my renewed free time (my full-time job ended just before my trip), maybe I can recover my momentum. Even if it is only for myself (by the time I ever finish it!), I'd love to bring it to its conclusion. I've got my fingers crossed, and have asked Muse-Frodo to put in a fresh appearance, preferably stripped for action.
~ Mechtild